How do I ride (better) in contact?

Hello, I'm Carlotta, 14 years old, and I have a meeting in an hour for a horse share. I'm actually pretty good at riding in contact, but not always… Sometimes it doesn't work; I'm still learning. I'm just worried that I won't be able to do it right at the test ride and won't get the share because of it… so I wanted to ask if any of you have any tips for test rides in general, but also for better riding in contact. I would be really grateful! Best, Carlotta

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1 month ago

Well, if you haven’t stacked up, then the owner of the RB should be aware of what he’s getting into? Then you don’t have to worry. In addition, it’s normal that everything doesn’t always work 100% – no one expects if you haven’t just introduced yourself up as an L-reiter.

Stay calm and calm, do everything you have learned, and ask if you don’t know anything. Feel in and let it go easy, it’s primarily about seeing ob the chemistry is basically true to all of you. The rest is coming.

1 month ago
Reply to  Staubsauger313

It’s not bad, and you can say that. Don’t forget to have fun πŸ™‚ great success!

1 month ago

Honesty is the most important, and willingness to learn.
The thrilling attempt to show something you don’t control is not at all a goal.
If you’ve really understood what “extension” means, you know that you can’t improve it on the snare with a few tips.

No one expects that at E level. Not on a strange horse.