Wie rechtssicher eine App entwickeln?


wie kann ich rechtssicher die Datenschutzerklärung, Nutzungsbedingungen und AGBs für meine App erstellen? Der sicherste Weg wäre natürlich zum Anwalt zu gehen, aber da müsste ich halt viel Geld in die Hand nehmen. Gibt es noch einen billigen Weg?

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1 month ago

In the Internet after data protection generators etc., there are also free, but then do not cover up to 100% all cases.

1 month ago

With generators and write down, I would be very careful…. For generators, AGB , Imprint, DSE are not really tuned to you and your app. And when writing, it is so tricky that it can also be a copyright infringement and can also be dismissed. Many lawyers specialized in IT law usually offer AGB creation and examination at relatively low fixed prices (can also first create themselves with generators and then let the lawyer test favorably) or some also have good advisers, which one has to consider. Here is an example of the topic “Create AGB“. There are also many others;) Hope this helps a little!

1 month ago

Think about it or write down somewhere.

However, if these are not 100% correct, it can be quite expensive in doubt later