How do you calculate this correctly?

Question: A 6.5-ton barge enters the sea from a river (p 1.03 g/cm3). How many tons must be reloaded to maintain the draught?

My approaches suddenly make no sense to me anymore (why I used the ratio), could someone help me, preferably with the physical formulas.

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1 year ago

The load cock weighs 6.5 t. It displaces 6.5 t of water, i.e. 6500kg, i.e. 6500l.

In the sea, 6500l should be displaced, but now salt water.

6500l salt water weigh 1,03 kg/l * 6500l = 6695kg.

Thus, 6695kg-6500kg=195kg must be recharged.

1 year ago

3% more (as in the sea)…