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1 year ago

1.25 * x = 1.88 |: 1.25

x= 1.88 : 1.25

x = 1.504

1 year ago

You have already solved the task by writing almost completely yourself. Because the most important thing is to formulate what you want to find out.

Now only in mathematical characters. “1.25 times? = 1.88” You write it mathematically simply as x. Time becomes 1.25 • x = 1.88. Manchaml is omitted the point between number and variable of the simple one. 1,25x=1,88. Both means the same.

From the calculation with equations we know that the same is like a scale. The equation does not change if you do or take away the same on both sides. So if you divide both sides through 1.25, the x stands alone on one side and we can simply read how big it is. Since the x the desires, i.e. the question mark, we know how much the spring was taken.

Yes, that’s exactly the same answer as just formulated as text. Mathematicians are lazy and do not always want to write novels. Therefore, there is the mathematical font that shortens this into these simple 3 lines. But it was interesting for one or the other to read both sides.

1 year ago

How is 188 to 125 or different:
