Wie “realistisch” ist das?
Ich schreibe gerade an einer Geschichte/ Buch in dem es darum gehen soll dass Karina(15, spielt in der Landesliega Fußball) erfährt, dass ihre Mutter Kronprinzessin von Schweden ist. Das soll sie durch einen persönlichen Brief vom König an ihre Mutter erfahren. (Zur Info: Karina und ihre Mutter leben in Deutschland.)
Meine Fragen:
1.Wie realistisch ist es, dass Karina noch nichts von ihrer Adeligen Abstammung weiß?
2.Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass ein König seiner Tochter, die er Jahrelang nicht gesehen hat, einen persönlichen Brief schreibt, in dem er sie auffordert nach Schweden zurückzukommen?
Würdet ihr so eine Geschichte lesen?
This is completely unrealistic. Because in 99% of cases it is noticeable when a young woman gets pregnant. And princesses are much too well protected (and medically supervised) than that their pregnancy could remain secret. This is finally a state affair, although in our modern times no more scandal. Karina’s mother would have to throw himself over with her family (because of pregnancy) – before she gets her daughter – so that it appears halfway possible; but no father will leave his daughter alone, even if he has escaped from her. The likelihood that Karina, as a child or adolescent, has something that she has “invisible angels” who watch over her is just too big.
If Karinas Father of the Crown Prince and her mother would be one of his intimate girlfriends before he married – and they separated before she knew that she was pregnant with Karina (and she did it to him when she found out, even not saying – hurt pride?) the would be an unlikely but not completely unrealistic story. Then she would have her daughter their Can raise daughter. Let the Crown Princes and his family get killed 15 years after the separation of the parents (aircraft crash, ship drop – whatever) and find the King in his diaries the reference to Karina’s mother – and after a long search also find out that she has a daughter of his son… then you have a semi-way logical sequence that explains the King’s letter to Karina.
If I read the story, I would at least look at the reading sample. If I like the style of writing – why not? A little heartache and romance hasn’t hurt anyone…
Not my kind of story.
1. Very unpredictable. In particular, if it is a legitimate successor.
Two. Also very unpredictable.
Here is a suggestion to make it better:
1. She’s an illegitimate child. The father was on state visit and business trip etc. And she went out with her mother, and she got pregnant. Since vaddern could not allow scandal, the mother was silenced. (money or anything else. Here are quite interesting options)
Two. The king has no successor/successor anymore. (Children died) Or even fell victim to an attack, etc.)
3. There’s a good reason why he has to get the lost daughter to the farm. He doesn’t want to. It’s forced.
4. (optional as an idea) among other things, he takes them to the court to marry them quickly for political reasons.
Five. No more idea. You can’t play football anymore.
This makes it a little more comprehensible. And the Karina also gives a problem to overcome.
As a hint: “perfect” characters in particular main characters are stinkingly boring in most cases. Make sure your characters have serious mistakes. (Not only small blemishes, but things that really pose problems to the character) and that are reasonable grounds for this.
This is the plot of suddenly princess. Plusminus a few details.
I didn’t know there was the kind of story, so much like that…
Suddenly princess I never liked… and that’s the end of the plot.
Not at all. This has such a ‘little Lord’ factor, but in today’s world in my eyes it only makes little sense.
He can do that… but then I see it as imaginable unrealistic that nobody knows about it. Even if the monarchy in the country in which they are not important, they are persons of public interest. At the latest when Karina publicly plays football, MUST actually be so noticeable that the press is behind. Then you can’t hide great.
I think I would read it if:
There was a war (if, for example, in another universe) that the family was separated when the mother was pregnant, the king knew nothing about it, thought they were dead. Five years ago or so he experienced it and has been looking for them. The mother kept the protagonist silent to allow her a normal life.
That would be a way to make it realistic. Something like that I would read it
Hope it helps
LG uiiiz
I find it unbelievable and Mary Sue. Successful football talent and crown princess AND wanted by the father is simply too much. Especially if she is additionally (what I fear) also pretty, smart and friendly.
In addition, it’s hard to implement. To make it credible, you need to know incredibly much about everyday life as a football player (real, not idealized ideas). And you need to know how the Swedish royal house is built, what rules there are, which shadow sides of the nobility have and you need to know extravagant rules and fashion enough.
Well, we don’t know if Father Karina wants to. As I have read this is Mama Crown Princess and wanted by the Father
Well, if he wants the daughter, the granddaughter won’t be a problem either.
Such stories exist, or so, 1000 times.