Wie reagiert Ihr, wenn man Euch nach Euren Geschenkwünschen gefragt hat, das Gewünschte auch bestellt wurde, aber vergessen wurde, es zu übergeben?
Bitte Frage zu Ende lesen und nicht sofort die Keule “man hat keinen Anspruch auf Geschenke” rausholen. Danke!
Ich habe mehrmals erlebt, dass Schenkende sich einen Wunschzettel haben geben lassen, zumindest den Hauptwunsch auch tatsächlich bestellt oder im Geschäft gekauft haben und das Geschenk dann im Schrank vergessen haben.
Klar ist Weihnachten das Fest der Liebe und was man schenkt (oder ob man überhaupt was schenkt) obliegt dem Schenkenden.
Was aber, wenn die Übergabe schlicht vergessen wurde, Ihr das Gewünschte unbedingt braucht (Ihr würdet es zur Not auch selbst kaufen, wisst aber, wenn Ihr es nun selbst kauft, fällt dem Anderen auf, dass er es vergessen hat zu übergeben und es ist dann doppelt da).
Es geht in der Frage explizit nicht um Gier und Unzufriedenheit und darum, ob Liebe und Gesundheit wichtiger sind, sondern darum, dass das Geschenk tatsächlich gekauft wurde (Ihr habt z.B. das Paket in Empfang genommen und an der Verpackung war eindeutig erkennbar, was drin ist und niemand anders benutzt solch einen Artikel).
-Ein Kind wünscht sich ein Game, ein Ladekabel, einen Pulli und ein Etui. Es hat mitbekommen, wie die Eltern sich darüber verständigten, wo sie das Spiel bestellen und einige Tage später sagt der Vater zur Mutter leise, es sei angekommen, das könnten sie von der Wunschlist abhaken. Es wird aber nicht geschenkt.
-Ein Ehepaar einigt sich darauf, sich gegenseitig etwas für 100€ zu schenken, der Mann übergibt dann etwas für 100€ und die Frau für 50€. Die Frau hat aber zuvor gesagt, “nenne mir Deine Wünsche für die vereinbarten 100€” und das Geschenk ist auch eindeutig erkennbar mit der Post angekommen.
-Ihr wünscht Euch etwas, das Ihr wirklich braucht, da das Geschenk der Ersatz für etwas ist, das zuvor kaputt gegangen ist, was aber niemand anders im Haushalt verwendet.
Z.B sind Eure Wanderschuhe Gr. 37 kaputt gegangen. Alle Anderen im Haushalt wandern nicht und tragen andere Schuhgrößen. Die Wanderschuhe wurden vor Weihnachten mit DHL geliefert, aber vergessen Euch zu geben und Ihr wollt Anfang Januar wandern gehen. Oder Euer Rasierer ist defekt, ein neuer wurde eindeutig bestellt, aber nicht übergeben.
z.B. fahrt nur Ihr einen VW im Haushalt und die gewünschten neuen Sitzbezüge wurden gekauft aber nicht geschenkt.
Ergänzung: das Bestellte kann nicht für jemand Anders sein und Euer Geburtstag war z.B. im November, es ist also auch kein Geschenk, was Ihr nach Weihnachten erst bekommt.
Es ist eindeutig, dass derjenige vorhatte, es zu schenken, dass er oder sie es aber einfach vergessen hat zu übergeben.
Es wurde also explizit nach dem Wunsch gefragt, die vorher gemeinsam vereinbarte Geldsumme wurde nur zur Hälfte übergeben und der Wunsch ist per Post angekommen und es ist ein individuelles Geschenk, was nur zu Euch passt.
Sprecht Ihr es an?
Sagt Ihr, dass was fehlt?
Kauft Ihr das Fehlende kommentarlos selbst? Oder kündigt Ihr den Kauf laut an, damit es später nicht doppelt da ist?
I can write from the other perspective: it happens that there are many other gifts and that one becomes too much, then it is covered for the next occasion.
Or it had to be sent back for some reason.
I would still address it at your place, e.g. a pity that Santa has not brought the hiking shoes. But that’s not bad, the other gifts are also great and I can buy the shoes myself.
So, I’m trying to get fit through your question.
Generally it happens that people forget something. That gifts were put somewhere, especially when they were not only worried about 5 minutes before the gate, and then some are standing there and wondering where they hid it from curious glances.
Based on your examples, I answer this:
Many children get so many gifts just at Christmas that they are sitting under a mountain and are completely overwhelmed at the end. That the game was not given can also have the following reasons:
On the one hand, gifts are distributed within the family that not everything comes from parents, but for example from grandparents or aunts and uncles. Or it is cancelled for a later occasion like birthday, because it was the most expensive of all gifts.
The fact that couples make up a money value is all right. But that doesn’t mean that every gift costs exactly 100 euros must:. It’s just a fixed frame.
And how does the man want to know what his gift cost? Should the price tags be attached to the gift as proof?
The example with the hiking shoes strikes into the similar notch: How does he know that the shoes were delivered? Was he told? I’m not telling anyone I got his thoughtful gift with the post.
And maybe the donor wants to make a double surprise. Maybe he wants with walking and only with this revelation in January pass these walking shoes.
Who can’t sleep now because he didn’t get certain gifts must ask what it is, if he’s really sure that these gifts are there, wherever this info comes from. I mean, I wouldn’t consider a razor to be a surviving object. Even if you’re the only one to drive a particular car brand.
Don’t have to be accused. You can ask if the Santa Claus or the Christkind special form have reserved for donation.
We want to exclude the other side: something is no longer given, because a negative behavior in the run-up to the holidays was decided to show that you are injured and that is not rewarded with gifts.
Generally, there’s something.
To your question: many gifts come by post, not always she receives the one who ordered them. Sometimes, the one also opens the door for which the gifts are intended.
Unfortunately, not everything is shipped in neutral packaging, but the product is large and wide on the shipping box.
That’s why I’m just going to deliver gifts to the packing station.
As to whether the gift was different for someone.
Let’s say someone wants a pink hatchball with blue rabbit ears for Christmas, and there’s a package on which such a unique one is depicted, then you can guess that it’s not different for anyone.
I do not think that gifts are sufficient for psychological reasons.
However, in many gifts one can actually see what the other has spent in books, for example by book price binding, unless it is a used rarity.
In the case of sweets and alcohol, the price range can be roughly determined.
And if you get something in the value of 50 instead of 100€, you can guess with 25€ playroom, but you realize that it was much less.
A cousin has always been gifted for 100€ by others, even then a costly looking gift was handed over to her grandma, and she had given her grandma a burned CD and a tea below that it was a free gift from the pharmacy. But, as if she bought all this, she broke out how much money she saved on the savings book and how great their shares have risen. That’s what I think.
I think if you agree to 100€ each other, a price-bound book for 25€, a perfume for 50€ and 2 CDs for 12,50€ each, then it’s noticeable if the perfume isn’t there.
If everyone can keep as he wants, but if you first discuss that everyone gets what for 50 or 100 €, then it is doof when the one goes after it and the other takes 100€ and gives 50€. Even if you were unsatisfied with the person. But then you do not take, but say, for example, let us give this year completely. I think.
Well, you don’t have to make a philosophy from gifts.
What I get on packages is never clear what’s in it. Either packages or bags. Maximum sender of shipping is on it. Only in plants is it that they are plants.
I can’t imagine that something like a pink bouncy ball is delivered in the original box. The postal regulations say that a package has a minimum size and must also be neutral from the packaging in order to be able to scan the whole sticker properly.
It doesn’t matter. Even if it is obvious, it should only be accepted and finished. If it isn’t given away as a gift, I’d probably also think personally now, “he, what is this now?”, but insist on it or even beg after that, I wouldn’t.
Hm, I’m missing coordination for this sports equipment. 😉
But I would then know what I would ask for in this respect: “Is the tyre flying into space with its LED lights as Ufo? Because he doesn’t circle around my hips.”
Well, Amazon’s always doing this. But other consignors of my experience do not.
A pink Smart Hula Hoop tire with colorful LED weight. He’s arrived. And no one wants it around.
To your info. Amazon often sends without outer packaging:
Well, what kind of gift did you look forward to?
However, the person concerned is 52 and not dementia.
I know that bouncing balls themselves have to be pumped up, the packaging is flat and through the pictures as they look in the finished state, the packaging is colorful. It would really be new to me that such things are sent without extra packaging.
If gifts do not arrive unfounded at the recipients, however, it does not have to be complained if these things are then bought themselves and the “beekeeper” then remains at his expense.
Old people are often forgetful, I think you have to look at them when you find “estimates” in their closets.
A bouncy ball is not shipped inflated. But I already had a cardboard box here, the ball was blown up on this cardboard box. No, don’t beg. But if you buy it yourself, then the customer does not have to complain that he has the same as a non-delived gift in the cabinet and has now expired the exchange period. And the paid money does not get the person on the used goods market.
Then money was burned meaninglessly and then ends up in such a way that the “gifted” 2. I want to send some back so it’s not double. Everything has already been experienced and not only once. After her death, my mother had some forgotten gifts for the children in the closet.
I’ll be right back.
You can also exaggerate this gift immortality.
The less you get, the more valuable is a gift – no matter what it costs.
And every expectation takes the fun of giving.
It is difficult for me to decide here for an answer, because the whole situation is somehow strange and absurd to me.
I honestly cannot imagine that you buy a gift to someone for a special occasion such as Christmas, and then forget to hand it over. At best you forget it somewhere (e.g. in the office, or at home when you celebrate Christmas out) and have no opportunity to pick it up, then you apologize and say that the gift is presented as soon as possible. But that one completely forgets a gift and stays in the closet forever will hardly happen in practice. Except maybe if the giving person suffers from dementia.
If such a situation occurs that someone buys a gift but does not indulge, it will probably have another reason in most cases. The gift was probably not forgotten, but is deliberately held back, for example to give it at a later time or other occasion. Or the goods arrived damaged or inappropriate (wrong size, color, whatever) and must be exchanged. Or there is still a part waiting for to hand over the gift completely.
I have seen many times that gifts have been forgotten, as they have been bought very early and forgotten deep in the closet. It’s not that rare.
It’s already done….
I’ll just ask myself and mention it.
Gifts are always voluntary
That was not the question. The gift was bought and individual for this person. And then you buy it silently?
How often will it happen in reality that someone overlooks a purchased gift to give it on?
But no matter how, a gift is a gift and only with handover to me it becomes my gift! But if it is necessary for me, desire or need, I will buy it myself without comment.
It is best not to ask anything more, it could be regarded as disturbing interference. You don’t seem to understand the background of the question. It’s not about showing a finger. It’s about buying something and spending money on it, which is now migrating in the closet until the Holy Leaflet Day. While the person who liked it now buys himself. And at the moment, the other will notice that it is now double. If you have too much money and leave gifts in the closet, that’s your thing. Then don’t complain if you can’t exchange it anymore if the others bought it themselves.
Of course, you can ask questions here! But here (in my perception) a rare (Fehl) behavior on the mass phenomenon was degraded in order to subsequently evaluate it as a demanded standard behavior with counter-reactions.
I find that unnecessary…….you are rarely confronted with it, and just in a family there might be some moderation here. I also do not want to be confronted, evaluated and ruthless with my misconduct.
It is a question that links a current situation with past similar situations. Can we not ask any particular questions here and call examples?
Two cases in how many decades?
The question is constructed as if it were the rule case……
It happens more often than you think and often the great awakening comes when you buy it yourself and the opposite panicks up and finds that it was forgotten in the back of the closet.
My mother wanted to give me a recorder in the primary school, and it only occurred to her when I was in the 5th. Class at school really needed one. She said she wanted to give it to me. Likewise, after her death in her wardrobe I found a strampler embroidered with the name of my son… my son was already 4 at that time, and certainly she did not want the personalized strampler for herself or want to give it to a changing child. There was no child with the first name in our environment.
tja, desperation lets greet
Your whole question is perfect for me. I’ve never seen anyone forget a gift. And why do you assume that it is absolutely safe for you is unf maybe not for someone with the same desire? Bzw what already reveals a package packaging, unless it is transparent, about the content?
And who wants something he urgently needs…? Then you buy it yourself.
Just sit down with the phone somewhere and talk about wanting to order this object online and think about the model or something if you’re so worried that you’ve been forgotten.
It is a general question. In addition, it is clear that I have experienced more often that people have forgotten what and later have done it. You don’t have to go out and just put yourself in situations you don’t know.
Of course, you can see on many packaging what’s in it, because the product name is on the cardboard box and the cardboard is shipped without wrapping.
And some gifts are so individual that they cannot be for any other people. I don’t think it’s like that.
Not everyone has the money to replace broken things themselves. It’s not all Krösus. A lot of people want things they want.