Wie pronomen sein/ihre neutralisieren?
Ich habe das Problem, dass ich ein Text neutralisieren muss. Es darf nicht das Geschlecht aus dem Text herauskommen, mir fällt allerdings nicht ein, wie ich sein/ihre neutralisieren kann.
Es ist ein Kind, es bringt SEINE Ideen mit.
Es ist ein Kind, es bringt IHRE Ideen mit.
Wie neutralisiere ich nun SEINE oder IHRE Ideen mit?
The pronoun in question isbe / their / SEIN. Therefore, your sentence “It is a child, it brings HIS ideas with” already genderneutral
for example
M: thishe Roman and they were Author /and his translatorin/ and his title
Q: thise narration and you Author / their translatorin/ her title
N: thisit Book and they were Author/ his Translationrin/ his title
What about him? Is this also neutral?
… what he likes…
… what you like…
Yes, you must know the four cases of him/her/it.
masculine: he – his – him – ih
Femininum: they – her – her they
New strand : it -seiner –him – it.
Are you going with Your bike as fast as the others? – Yes, I’m driving with him even faster .
Pronomists refer to the grammatical sex, that is Genus, not Sexus.
Example: “The man’s body was in the door. She (sic!) seemed to lie there for a long time and her sight was not beautiful.”
Why so many don’t understand, I don’t really understand. But good, lack of language skills are also the cause of people wanting to gender. Genus <> Sexus
“His” is neutral. It is by chance the same as for the male sex, but this is not your fault. 💁
The example mentioned the child brings his ideas – is gender-neutral.
Possible deformations sound archaic – the child brings ideas with – and are stylistic little beautiful: the child brings the idea of the child.
What about him? Is this also neutral?
… what he likes…
… what you like…
If the noun to which the pronouns relate is neutral: Yes.
“His” refers to “the child” and is already gender-neutral.
Even if the child is a girl, “her” in this sentence is grammatically wrong.
Alternatively, you could write something like “It is a child, it brings your own ideas. ‘
“His” is already neutral.
And instead of “their” (female child?) one can take “own”.
The formulation “It (the child) brings its ideas” is already gender-neutral.
You don’t have to change anything.
you can tell the name
If that were a school job, I would refuse to solve it. If you’re not forced by anyone and it’s your own desire, just make it easy.
THE child is grammatically a NEW TRUM and HAS GAR NO of the two possible biological sexes that a person can have.
Was that all right for your SuS if they refused a task for ideological reasons?
Pupils? I didn’t get any such stupid tasks. At that time, society had not yet come to the dog as it is today.
You can only hope you’ve never really been a teacher.
I answered your question. Just pretend you can understand the answer. (I’m sure you’re not able to do this. But that’s just DEIN problem.)
Just answer my question, please.