Wie politisch dürfen Lehrer werden?
Also zum Beispiel bei sensiblen Themen wie dem Nahost Konflikt oder so. Weil eigentlich sind ja in jeder Klasse von beiden Seiten Leute. ( Bei mir in der Klasse gibt es zum Beispiel einen extrem Ausländerfeindlichen und Gender feindlichen) Wie weit darf ein Lehrer da gehen? ( Darf er überhaupt diskutieren?)
Of course, a teacher may sound his mind. Also on political topics.
However, there is a provision: his statements may and must move within the framework of the laws. And thus based on the Basic Law.
He must keep his personal opinion out, as he does not act as a private person, but in his role as a teacher and thus as a state official. The state is committed to political neutrality, it must not affect citizens politically. It must only be opposed to extremist positions which are directed against the fundamental freedom of the Democratic Republic. This is to be determined on the basis of objective criteria, not according to what is such a position from the teacher’s point of view.
sorry but legally your statement is wrong!
It is even quite clear that teachers must actively commit themselves to compliance with the Constitution.
A pupil shows, for example, Hitler’s greeting must not allow this in the sense of freedom of expression, but must actively initiate ordering measures against the pupils concerned.
Otherwise, teachers also have the same right under the GG for their free expression.
The first one is true, I said yes. The latter is not true. Teachers in service cannot rely on freedom of expression. This is a fundamental right to the state. The state itself has no fundamental rights. He is committed to political neutrality. Political indoctrination of students by teachers is prohibited in democracies.
I forgot. Judgments against Afd party officials are only politically motivated.
Knowing that I am so politically overmotivated, I give the whole thing to the constitutional protection as a tip – right rush on the net should be properly observed and documented so that the politically motivated party ban of the Afd can come even faster thanks to you
Yes, if you judge things only politically and not legally, just like you, it seems like you.
No Höcke has been sentenced to 2x in the meantime due to popular deprivation and is now 3rd Supplied
and questionable is as verdict only for the right outside.
What shouldn’t be can’t be.
He was condemned once, but in this case the judgment is indeed questionable, as he used an all-world sentence, whose origin was hardly known to anyone. I can imagine that his intention was also, but you can’t prove it. He is not punished, however, and the judgment is not yet valid. This has nothing to do with the subject.
there is not to laugh at it that is an oftenfizielel website of the federal government, where keien may be made legally false statements.
He is now several times prejudicial for using anti-constitutional license plates, which would be sufficient after your argumentation.
If the Federal Agency for Political Education says that, it will be so 😂 What authorities say is always correct. Höcke is not a teacher and he does not make political statements in class. Teachers can also be deprived of the teaching permit if they act against the FDGO outside the teaching, as they have a duty to maintain the Constitution as officials. You can’t prove that to Höcke, because he doesn’t act openly against the FDGO, but he always expresses himself double-declared to appeal to voters from the extremist margin (Dogwhistle).
but they can, according to the Federal Agency for Political Education. What is a reason why so far Höcke could not be deprived of the teaching permission
It can pass on information that is not mentioned by the media, but is legible.
Only his opinion on this should he be careful.
We discussed both sides, but I had to cry.
there is no really clear line apart from criminal statements.
would have to bring Bsp of statements to see if they fall into the criminal area
Yes, as part of the Basic Law, he may say and discuss his opinion.