Wie Pilot werden bei Emirates?

Hey Leute, ich würde gerne Pilot werden, aber das wäre wenn, erst 2021 oder so. Naja, das ist jetzt erst mal egal. Ich würde es am liebsten bei Emirates werden, aber ich hab nirgendwo die Voraussetzungen gefunden. Die interessieren sich halt für Leute die schon eine ATPL Lizenz haben. Sind dort die Chancen Pilot zu werden hoch? Ist das auch da so schwer wie bei Lufthansa? Wie müssen die Augen und so sein (Medial Class)?

Danke im Voraus!

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9 years ago

Until it’s so far for you, a lot can change. At the moment, what Emirates write on their pilot page is:

Here’s what they say:

“Training to be a Cadet Pilot Training will take approximately four years and is divided into three main phases:

Cadet Pilot First phase (Foundation Programs) Takes place in Dubai at the Emirates Training College. Duration of this programme is 36-75 weeks and will include English, Aviation English and Aviation Science courses, depending on your English language abilities.

Cadet Pilot Second Phase (Flight Training Programs) Takes place outside the UAE (Spain) for 18 months and includes approximately 223 hours of flight experience. On successful completion, you will receive a course completion certificate and a Frozen Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL).

Cadet Pilot Third PhaseTakes place in Dubai. Upon completion of this phase, you are ready to fly large jet aircrafts.”

The conditions:

1. Math, Physics and Numeracy tests

Two. Initial medical examination

3. Psychomotor and psychometric tests

4. English language test (TOEFL with minimum of 430 points)

Five. Personal interview

6. Comprehensive medical examination

Emirates makes training according to EASA rules, so a look at EU Regulation 1178/2011, which regulates training of flying personnel, would not be bad.

There are also the Emirates Flying School, or Emirates Aviation Services (the new name) with telephone number and email address.

9 years ago
Reply to  CaptainPilot

Hi, the 1,500 flight hours are needed for the ATPL.

To get an ATPL, a traffic pilot license, three things are needed:

  1. The ATPL theory. It is taught during training and after the theoretical test (about 15,000 questions; Test duration at LBA about 2 days) entered into the license as ATTC (ATPL Theory Credit). Then the point is cut. The theory has a validity of 7 years. In time, the other conditions must be fulfilled, otherwise the theory must be made again:

  2. Detection of 1,500 flight hours on large-scale equipment, i.e. MPA (Multi Pilot Airplane), i.e. aircraft flying with two pilots MUST and

  3. a special ATPL check in the simulator under the eyes of a valid examiner.

Only then will the aviation authorities issue an ATPL. The flight hours of the flight school have nothing to do with it.

Since the EU-OPS max. 900 hours a year may fly, an ATPL check may be earliest after 2 years, due to illness, vacation, free days etc. but realistically only after approx. 3 years.

As long as you fly as a COP with an MPL or CPL/IR, depending on the type of training. An ATPL itself is required only for the PIC of an MPA and for the PIC/R (or SFO), which may replace the captain on the left seat on a trip of more than 20,000 ft.

All this is uninteresting for you now, because until you start your training, the regulations can still change or Emirates decides not to carry out the training according to EASA rules.

9 years ago

I would first apply to all possible German airlines and test them. my exfreund wanted to be piloted all his life and then blew the test. So before you emigrate to dubai, try to get in at lufthansa and if you have gained experience, you can still change, then you have something to prove:)

9 years ago

How must the eyes and so be (Medial Class)?

Don’t forget that a circumcision of Muslim rite is required.

9 years ago
Reply to  Zauselbaer

that is bullshit, right?

9 years ago

1. Going to training for pilots

2. Special training for the Airbus 380-800 and B747-400

3. Write an email to Emirates

4. Fly to Dubai (on request)

Five. Contract concluded with Emirates

6. do not build breakage

7. nerv me not

9 years ago

Since it will only be 2021 it will be enough to inform you in 2020