Wie physiologisch bedenklich sind diese Thermoplaste?





Acrylnitrid Butadien Styrol




Ich interessiere mich für Kunststoffe und würde mein Wissen gerne erweitern. Da ich als Spritzer, bzw. “Verfahrensmechaniker für Kunststoff- und Kautchuktechnik in Fachrichtung Formteile” tätig bin, bezieht sich meine Frage hauptsächlich auf die thermoplastische Form des Kunststoffs.

(Über mehr Informationen zu den Kunststoffen würde ich mich nicht beschweren ^^)

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6 months ago

I join my predecessor. Nevertheless, there are plastics suitable for food. I think your question is particularly aimed at poisonous vapours and their danger. It is necessary to know which additives are present. The most known example should be bisphenol A. A plasticizer that enriches itself in liquids of plastic bottles by volatility and thus enters the body and should therefore be carcinogenic. That doesn’t tell you a data sheet. As far as this is concerned, I don’t know, you could google. In principle, only purely from the composition, the majority of plastics are already very safe nowadays. Few are nothing different from polymerized hydrocarbons in the chemical composition. This concerns PP and PE. In all others, it is advisable to get closer to the chemical composition and its dangerousness, because bisphenol A and inhale will not tell you a data sheet. 100% dangerous are POM and PVC for wrong handling. PVC releases hydrochloric acid when it burns. At POM and at high temperatures, a biting smell is produced, which eats into the atm paths. There is to ventilate immediately and leave the space until it has been given. For this reason, when changing the material, the cylinder temperature should always be maintained at the two materials so that this does not happen when machine programs are read in.

2 years ago

You will receive information about the manufacturers of granules, in particular from the EU safety data sheets. Manufacturers shall also provide information on processing and protection measures necessary. Contact person is your pre-legislator or the competent specialist for occupational safety.