How do I organize concerts?
At my school, we do a talent show once a year, and my band and I have performed there every year for the past three years. We're only allowed to play one song each time, and we want to do a small concert where we play about 10 songs for about an hour. For those of you with experience, how do I do something like this? Where would be the best place to do it? And how much might it cost?
Thank you very much! 😄
Important is the organizer role: If you find someone (Institution) who is the organizer, you don’t have to worry about the legal issues (e.g. responsibility for GEMA message). This takes you much responsibility and frees you from liability.
In principle, there are the following categories:
Ideally, you will find someone who offers a location where you can play and takes the role as an organizer. Then you just have to come and play with your equipment. You are previously informed about entry modalities and advertising (e.g. flyers, in a program folder or only via social media).
As an organizer, you only want to function yourself if you can accept the liability for the concert, take care of the GEMA application (compulsory) and, if necessary, the payment of the possible GEMA fees and identify you with the possible transfer of (ticket) revenues. It is also complicated if you need any technology in addition and you don’t know anyone from whom you could buy any technology you need (for stage or light) cheaply or for free. –> Once you get yourself costs, you take an economic risk and have to play profits in order not to pay. In practice, you will have to pay the costs of the event (in the organizer role) and only the rest after deduction of the costs will be a fee for you. Therefore, it is very in your interest to find someone (e.g. a bar with stage, cultural institute, school, church community, music festival etc.) who is willing to act as an organizer.
There are sometimes talent competitions at Open Airs where you could participate or try regional city festivals etc.
Otherwise as @baucolo wrote. In principle, everyone can do that, but it is also connected with money (!) and responsibility/having. The staff and the room rental are the two largest posts.
Yo thank you. Can you do that when I’m 14?
So if this can be extracurricular, then I would ask at a small festival or celebration or so in your city whether you can play there. Then you would also be paid