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2 years ago

Once a week, at least if you have to wash your socks yourself and don’t have a housekeeper. This also fits well with the cleaning cycle of my feet, thus running syncron!

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

Habeck? Did he say anything about socks? Only if he orders cold showers from now on, his (so also our) feet should start to stink because soap begins to show effect only with lukewarm water.

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

What does Habeck have to do with socks? He doesn’t wash them in order not to pollute the groundwater? But if he only had to shake them out, he would burden our earth more with fine dust!

2 years ago
Reply to  mooric

I wear my socks all week. Wear gum boots all day there the socks are always wet in the evening and when I wear the gum boots again in the morning it does not take long until they are damp again. That would be the same with fresh socks. So don’t make sense to change socks every day

2 years ago

If I can literally put them in the corner

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

There are people like the Hr. Habeck who are not psychologically suitable for their “beruf”. Mr. Baerbock and Lang are not better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle01

Put it in the corner? That’s right, I’ve heard a little bit about supporting stockings.

2 years ago

A week off from all the usual must be now. Don’t even go great far away, but if I’d sit in my own place every day, I think I’ll go crazy.

2 years ago

This is actually reality. After all, I still have in full what to eat and still have something to save, so that you can enjoy 1x a year something or drive on holiday

2 years ago

I wear clothes for so long until they muffle despite deo, only 16 degrees in the bud, television and computer rarely, the car is only used when it goes away for shopping. You can’t afford it any other way. But DIE, they can’t care about it, they have it and get even more in the A

2 years ago

Every day, you sweat a lot. Alone on the way to work, at a walk or even when you run sports. And there are far more reasons why the socks can smell extremely strong.

If you have a free day now and put yourself in bed rest, and your socks only take a few hours, it doesn’t count for me as “a day worn”.

2 years ago

Every day I’m on my way all day.

In summer I prefer not to wear socks.

2 years ago

It depends.

If I sweat a lot then every day.

If I’m barely on my way and I’m not sweating any two, so after I showered.

2 years ago

Every day. I’m going to work for sports and gassi with my dogs.

Socks and underwear should generally be changed every day.

2 years ago

This should be of course… the sock industry also wants to live of what and my washing machine is constantly hungry for it;-)

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

You smell worn socks.

2 years ago

I always wear mine very long until they walk into the laundry. Don’t have such sweat feet, and if you’re in your shoes. 😁😁Have no fixed change ritual. I’m not so sensitive when someone meets me with cheese feet.

2 years ago

Every day, I’m someone who sweats a lot.

2 years ago

I hope that those who voted once a week have allowed themselves to enjoy it.

2 years ago

Minimum 1x /day

2 years ago

Every day. Everything else is full of asi.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexander85140

Now I know why many people think there’s only “Assis.”

2 years ago

Depends on how long I wear it


2 years ago

of course every day.

2 years ago

twice a day, in the morning and in the evening

2 years ago

best daily and daily change the shoes

2 years ago

If I take what every day.

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag


2 years ago

Socks and underwear are changed daily.

2 years ago

The socks are changed every day.

2 years ago

Every 3rd day, the men do that, at least those from my office team. And we women? I do it every day, but my colleagues usually every two days!

2 years ago

I’ve got over 100 socks that need to be used, otherwise they’ll be eaten by cockroaches.

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello! Because I do sports every day

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

you don’t know my workout – then my dog flips…