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Wann beginnt bei euch betrügen?
Ich hab schon echt viele Meinungen gehört und würde mich freuen noch mehr zu hören:)
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Wie lange dauert es bis schwarzer Tee wirkt?
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2 times, once lost on the cutter
and currently for 15 years.
And it gets worse every day!
Two times and the last time it’s a bit ago 🙂
I don’t fall in love with people so easily because I’m a demomantic and have difficulties building trust with people.
The first great love died with 23 years, the second one and a half (my husband).
I was in love for two/three times, but nothing serious.
1× has been since eternity and it was nen girl
Just one time, and that’ll be the same.
Everything before was not “right in love”.
Never, honestly. It always comes someone who is better
Probably never.
1 times and now
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Can’t count anymore… 😅😂
Two or three times, but one of them is really intense and long.