Wie oft übergibt sich jemand im Flugzeug?
Ich hätte eine Frage, ich bin erst 2x mit dem Flugzeug geflogen und habe leichte Flugangst. Aber eine viel größere Angst von mir ist, die Angst vorm Erbrechen. Nicht nur ich selber, sondern auch wenn andere Leute sich übergeben.
Nun meine Frage, übergeben sich wirklich viele Leute in Flugzeug?
It’s not common that people in the plane are constantly breaking up. Most of the people fly OHNE to use a hat.
It’s not a duty, you know?
There are some people who are afraid of flying, or who aren’t in any plane.
And then it can happen that there are turbulences that hit people on the stomach. But that doesn’t happen every flight.
before’m flight tavor or alprazolam (or any other benzodiazepine) is the best for before the flight against the angst and also prophylactic for travel disease. always before flying (have flugangst and emetophobie) I take 2mg Alprazolam and 75mg Promethazine. That really changed everything. But be careful with the dosages, I am used to the substances and therefore dose a little higher than recommended.
The only one I could experience so far was myself a child 24 years ago. This is far from happening on every flight and even if it happens on your flight, the probability is that you don’t get it at all (because the 10 rows before/behind you sits is quite great.
If you know that you are vulnerable, help travel tablets.
LG, Chris
It’s rare.
It doesn’t have to be, because there are travel tablets.
The question has been a little longer, but I still answer:)
I had to hand me over to 5 out of 6 flights, the other one was just like that. You have to say that I am also quite susceptible to travel sickness.
My sister is much less susceptible to travel sickness, but had to break 2x in a plane.
Others also get bad in the plane, usually in the landing. You can see 8-10 people (children) hanging over the spit bag.
Let’s say very few. I don’t know if there’s a statistics about it, probably not.
From my time as an aircraft mechanic, however, I do not know that there were neither dirty seats or carpeted floors nor that the number of spit bags used had ever been entered in the Cabin Log; so it must have gone against zero.
I have flew more often (more than 10x) and have only experienced a single time that someone has surrendered. We flew to the USA, then still Polroute and had a pretty nasty storm over Greenland. The route is hardly followed today, and such storms are largely avoided.
There’s also the airfield, in case of emergencies. Have you taken your own concerns before the flight a travel tablet
I’ve often flew and only experienced it twice that someone surrenders – rather rarely aren’t afraid
The question is an eternity now, but I’ve been on vacation today and I’ve been flying with the plane since I’ve been a toddler, and I just had to spend 1 times as the curry sausage was bad on the plane, but otherwise I haven’t heard it before that someone had to surrender.
So I’ve never seen anyone surrendering on the plane, even though I’m flying every 2-3 months. … You see the turbulences on the radar and then do not fly in the middle, but out, because people want to book a flight again next time.
If you have problems with travel disease, take pills or candidate ginger with you. (There are tablets that have ginger root as the only active ingredient. Ingwer also helps.)
I do not think there is a worldwide statistics
I’ve never experienced anyone on my 20 flights.
I’ve been flying a lot. No one has ever left
Can only join me, never experienced.