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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

I drink beer every now and then. I never smoke cigarettes. I’ve tried them before, but I’ve never been over the greyish taste. I’m 32.

If you are interested in representative figures, I can recommend the following reports:

“Smokes in young people and young adults in Germany”,

“The alcohol consumption of young and young adults in Germany”, report.pdf

Information for young people:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

2 years ago

My alcohol and cigarette story is very long.

At 13 I smoked the first time “on baking” because I wanted to be “so cool” like the adults. At 14 then the first time on Lunge in a youth club of red Marlboros. I had a nicotine flash for 10 minutes as if I drank half a vodka on ex.

In fact, with 14 we also started with alcohol directly grass, speed and ecstasy. Cigarettes I smoked only at school for almost 1 year, so good over a year was not really dependent. Alcohol was drunk very often insulated at the beginning, on weekends, on birthdays, holidays, holidays, later over the next 2 years, it became less alcohol and more and more grass, speed and XTC, where alcohol was often drunk here, which was tolerated on these substances like a Russian bear.

Until I was 17 I smoked 15-25 cigarettes every day and consumed 2-4x a week harder drugs and alcohol.

I tried to stop smoking and harder drugs. From then on, I drank alcohol for almost 2 years every weekend, never smoked in phases once a half year, then smoked again for 3 months, then not again for a year, then again for 4 months. This went back and forth almost 7 times and now I have been smoke-free for 3 months, hard drugs I consume very rarely, 1-5x a year, alcohol I may drink once a month.

2 years ago
Reply to  Philipp3141

For my taste, you have a terrible life behind you. Your future begins NOW!

2 years ago

Well, for 7 years, have had a very strong social/emotional disorder, going towards schizoid/social phobia. In other words, I have not been able to maintain pleasant social ties since this time and live for myself alone.

For my feelings, the time before was much more pleasant, I was still socially capable, and I now feel much better physically and intellectually.

Let’s hope that this problem will eventually be resolved if I have a rusty future ahead of me, if no I really need to have anything else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Philipp3141

“My alcohol and cigarette story is very long…… etc”

Your letter doesn’t match this comment.

2 years ago

Make a friendship request. Then I’ll tell you what

2 years ago

Sorry I got so angry, you can’t know.

Well, I’ve been hanging a little for 8 months. If you have climbed the mount everest for 6 years, but you’ve always etched yourself with the tip and now ask if there’s the one at all, then you’ll build your tent.

2 years ago

I don’t want you to blame me for my unworn advice!

What you do is admirable. That’s why you can do it!

2 years ago

have not only been sitting around the last 7 years. before all the first 3 years I spent all my free time trying to change something, almost no pleasure-free-time activities have performed, just because I had to change.

every day books about personal development, methods of cognitive behavioral therapy for more than 5 years daily applied, the whole 7 years meditating, in the strongest 2-3 hours a day for several months, also kickboxing partly 7x the week, power sports 7x the week, have made an education that served as confrontation, have made me surmounted here every day and leave my comfort zone

Of course, to fight a mindset every day, to be ambitious and disciplined, to eat healthy, to shower cold, to think optimistic and positive, was once again 3 months in the foreign language I had to speak and work there.

If there’s someone who tried something, then I, so far it’s still so that I don’t feel comfortable being close to my best friend or sister. Until now I can still have no pleasant social ties, feel only painful.

then someone like you comes and says “yes if you don’t change anything!”

I am currently studying biology, I have to do master in neurosciences. But if what I have lasted a lot longer, I only see the possibility of finding peace over a Buddhist monastery. if this doesn’t work just self-morning. currently I am 3x a week in analysis therapy, probably for the next 5 years. Let’s hope

2 years ago

You have no social ties. It won’t change if you don’t change.

If you had sex last time?

How old are you?

2 years ago

It’ll get worse if you don’t change your life.

What do you mean?

2 years ago

“In other words, I have not been able to cultivate pleasant social ties since this time and live for me alone.”

It’ll get worse if you don’t change your life. And you’re going to land in the gates!

2 years ago

In the meanwhile, I might drink another 1-2 times a month Alk, before I had a big cup every weekend and was celebrating Think this is also a reason why I don’t drink more often, you just made it too often

However, I don’t feel like it anymore, the next day is no longer worth it and I realize that a full-suff reduces my sporty ability at least 2-3 days, i.e. the training is significantly more strenuous and my performance is worse than usual and I don’t work out disciplined 5 times a week to break up again every weekend.

I hardly smoke cigarettes, actually only when I drink

2 years ago
Reply to  Henny97

I can fully relate to everything you say, really funny how many similarities are there.

With the smoking on alk I gave up it now invalidally, so I became addicted 7 times again

2 years ago
Reply to  Philipp3141

“It’s funny how many similarities are there.”

Did I think haha might have lost brother or something? xD

With cigarettes, and strangely I had no problems at all, really bad was with me at that time with Coke, celebrating every weekend, was not so easy to give up the “inhabitation”

2 years ago

Hello men, we all put a lot of value on our potency!

Why do you want to ruin them with a lot of money?

1 year ago

I don’t drink any more alcohol since the end of June 2023, or if only a few choke because I don’t really like the taste anymore.

I smoke cigarettes daily between 3 to 10 pieces.

I’m glad I’m “just” smoking, instead of grinding, had a bath trip in July 2023, since the day no more.

Just like I’m clean from Speed since april 2023 and since juli 2023 clean from Molly.

I’m 14, so to reference.

1 year ago

I’ll drink beer at dinner with the family. Nen averaged how often I go on a party weekend I can’t give you, maybe once every two weeks? Then I usually give the edge.

I don’t smoke regularly either. Maybe 1 or 2 boxes a month. But sometimes only a half.

Bin 16 btw

2 years ago

Cigarettes every day, Alk only sometimes

1 year ago

Best combination. weekends with me total crash and even under the week I drink with my girls often, the cigarettes then still taste

2 years ago

I’m Hedonist, I don’t know why I should give up alcohol or nicotine. I don’t smoke, but I’ll take Snus.
I drink alcohol every weekend with friends at the pub or bar.

2 years ago

I, w/17 (almost 18!!) do not drink, have never done it before. No smoking. Once drawn => 🤢

Just like my friend (born 19). He tried some beer. And never smoked

In my class there is nh, “Trinkelite” also have nh insta side and they baptize like the world champions!! And Shisha too.

Do not have a need to drink more or smoke… xD

2 years ago

I don’t drink alcohol and don’t smoke.

2 years ago

Freed today and just opened my second beer. Smoke straight cigarette number 7 … 🙂 I do it daily… so if I have to work or drive, then of course nothing in the morning, but only after the evening!

2 years ago

I was 15 minutes. 18 when I smoked my first cigarette. My last one too. Stinks, expensive, unhealthy.

2 years ago

I smoke my cigarettes daily and at the WE we always meet to baptize sometimes even under the week

2 years ago

Just remembered:

On a motorway parking lot, a couple got out. One with an infant, the other with an edged ashtray. They’d have to be sued for child abuse.

2 years ago

