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Very different if, for example, Christmas time or so, and I am often invited or have a visit it can happen that I drink 2-3 consecutive ones. But there’s also that I drink a week. I actually drink wine, champagne ect in society and alone very rare.
Usually on weekends, sometimes only Friday or Saturday, sometimes also on both days. About 1-2 liters of beer. Wodka, whiskey or the like don’t taste me.
Strangely, in polls, be it here at GutFrage or in other forums, most always indicate that they don’t drink alcohol. This survey is an exception.
In fact, every weekend for grilling or sitting outside in the evening, in winter rather less than glowing wine on the Christmas market.
Mostly Friday and weekends at parties or in small frames 🙂
Do you think this can hurt in the long term?
Yeah, sure it does.
If I want to. This can also be several times a week due to birthdays or not half a year.
Not at all.
I don’t like… and I don’t like the stupid feeling of “wat in my head.”
I usually drink 1x a week of alcohol. This is the case on Saturday night. I drink more often every day during the holidays.
I don’t drink any alcohol at all.
Clearly always in the pear
I don’t drink alcohol.
And the week about a beer or two or three
Not at all.
Daily … *prost 🙂
I don’t drink alcohol.