Wie oft sollte man zun frauenarzt gehen wenn man oft zysten an den eierstöcken hat?

Hi liebe community ihr müsst wissen das sie 18 ist angeblich zysten von ihrer Tante vererbt bekommen hat und mir sagt sie geht deswegen jeden monat zur Frauenärztin weil sie angst hat das was passiert obwohl ihre Ärztin ihr sogar sagt es reicht wenn sie alle 2 3 monate zur Untersuchung kommt obwohl ich gelesen habe das es föllig ausreicht wenn sie einmal im jahr eine Untersuchung macht und das diese zysten nur gefährlich sind wenn die sehr gross werden deswegen bin ich ein bisschen misstrauisch was das angeht vorallem soll ihre Frauen Ärztin ihr angeblich gesagt haben das sie die sauberste vv hat die zu ihr kommt und sie soll sogar mit ihr über andere Patienten geredet haben die vorher bei ihr im Behandlungszimmer waren was ich alles nicht glaube weil ich nt auf den kopf gefallen haha also nochmal meine frage was ist eure Meinung dazu

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8 months ago

The story sounds very attracted to the hair. Cysts aren’t SO unusual now… so you’re just going to the doctor if you have complications or pain. Even if they have this problem, a serious medical practitioner will not make such statements about “cleanest xy”.

The fact that the doctor talks about other patients… my urologist told me during the bladder mirroring so that I also relax some curious cases… of course they were all anonymized and it was impossible to trace it back.

But even I think that is less likely in a routine investigation.

8 months ago
Reply to  Schadowfighter

Less you than her

8 months ago

Have long experience with gynecology and these are typical statements in other sexual illnesses or their fears they only happen when you enter sexual intercourse with several men/women.

8 months ago
Reply to  Schadowfighter

What I wrote is true and from long professional experience └ğэ Is a Latin its meaning docktor And Stacker is my name and my practice 1988 my birthday But now I also recognize the paradox of the question and my username LG.

8 months ago

Cysts are very common. Again and again. As a female doctor, only if they make complaints. But they usually leave alone.

8 months ago
Reply to  Schadowfighter

Yes, however, it may have other reasons such as endometriosis or prehistory.

8 months ago

Strong pain is not normal. Pain but severe pain indicates an endometriosis or the like.

8 months ago

Like I said, they don’t know, I don’t know. Anything can be invented.

Either there’s a good reason why she always goes or it’s not because she just wouldn’t give a doctor every month.

8 months ago

Possible if this is, for example, strongly pronounced. But do not believe that there is a doctor who gives her an appointment unfounded every month.

8 months ago

For example, the scjonmal had to be operated for a cyst or had a malicious cyst.

8 months ago

How do you get a sexual disease now?

8 months ago

I don’t know what she has or I don’t know her

Endometriosis is a disease in cervical mucosa cells outside the uterus. This often makes pain during the period and other complaints, e.g. also severe cysts.

8 months ago

In case of severe pain during the period I can definitely recommend battery puncture

8 months ago
Reply to  Schadowfighter

I thought if she was really in pain, it would be good to treat the…