Wie oft sollte man Süße Speisen und Getränke zu sich nehmen?

Was schätzt ihr so ein. Wie lange und Oft sollte man sich das Süße Getränk und Essen konsumieren 🙂

Gruß FlyingCat972

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2 years ago

Hallihallo 🙋🏻,

How long and often you should consume the sweet drink and food

should …?

‘> Not at all.

Man should but as daily as possible

Not more than ~ 25 g of sugar

and ~ 25 g of fruit sugar

eat/ drink.

The maximum is not

in all people the same.

In general, however:

Too many sweets, candy,

fruit juices, fruits/fruits,

and sweetened drinks are unhealthy

and can be

excessive consumption to overweight

and various terrible



2 years ago
Reply to  Frageritikum

Thank you 🙏 for the ⭐ ♀️ ♀️ ♀️ ⭐

2 years ago

How often should you take sweet food and drinks?

Can you calculate here: https://www.naehrwertcomputer.de/tagebedarf/zucker.php


2 years ago

Let it be best, I’m just trying to stop and if I have really fun on candy then I take dark chocolate (70-80%), of which only 1-2 of these square plates.

Or simply eat fruit when your body wants glucose, healthier and always the better alternative.


2 years ago
Reply to  FlyingCat972

Of course, you should eat what you want, but if you want to feed healthy then eat the best fruit.

2 years ago

Only in masses, so best just to ghetto a day, because otherwise it is too much sugar. 25-35 grams a day are optimal, more is bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  ALDT44

Only in masses

Better would be in measure, instead of in masses.

2 years ago

Not at all. You don’t need that much sugar. Fruits usually have enough fruit sugar.

2 years ago
Reply to  FlyingCat972

I think I’m healthy, some fruit sugar doesn’t matter. But I would look away from stuff like sugar cane, chocolate or rubber bears (igitt)

2 years ago

I find pineapples good, sometimes a little mad, but avocado, is really meh.

2 years ago

Do I also think it’s good, how do you get to Avocado?

2 years ago

Should one avoid completely. Except sometimes fruit/seed, but not too often.