Wie oft sollte man Fahrradreifen aufpumpen?
Mein Fahrradreifen habe ich ewig nicht aufgepumpt, aber es scheint genug Luft zu haben trotzdem anscheinend. Ich mag es auch nicht selber aufpumpen, habe sogar Angst davor. Das hat auch seine Gründe. Mir ist beim Aufpumpen mal der Fahrradreifen geplatzt, habe Angst das, das nochmal passiert. Wollte fragen, da ich ewig nicht aufpumpen ließ, aber irgendwie nicht spüre, ob sich was überhaupt verschlechtert hat, ob es irgendwie einen bestimmten Rhythmus gibt, wie oft man sein Fahrrad aufpumpen lassen soll? Ist ganz ohne Elektroantrieb, mein alltäglicher Begleiter.
If you feel that the rolling resistance is too high, you should pump.
Depending on the tyres, you can check with thumb and index finger at the flanks whether air has to be on it or whether it is enough.
For racing tires, you should work with manometers and pay attention to the maximum pressure on the hose and also jacket.
As long as the rim does not penetrate, it doesn’t matter how long it has not been pumped. Come on, too. Trekking wheels with narrow tires every few months, such with wider tires also last longer. But you can’t say a flat-rate. Also depends on how good and/or old the tube is still, or whether anti-plate is filled in.
Edit: What did you have for a pump? With a normal hand pump you can’t do that, it’s the one you’re a motor sportsman, or there was a material defect. Stand pumps usually have a display, and on the tire there is usually what to do.
Depends on the wheel or tires. In the case of racing bikes, daily pumps are announced.
Wide tires usually hold longer. But after a month, the best tires also lack a lot of air.
A pump with manometer is highly recommended.
If too much air is in the tire it can burst in the sun, but is a rather rare problem.
The closer the pressure at the permitted or recommended maximum is the easier the tire rolls and you place much less.
If I keep running the tires at the participants before a ride I miss most 50-70% of recommended pressure.
I am also for daily “buying”, but only alcohol-free! – Except you have a cozy tricycle, on which you can also sleep your Alk smoke.
Actually, only the vacancy is postponed. You can read it. But right, I’ve been mistaken.
Vilen Dank! a full-luster would have corrected his text.
So every 3 months you should change the air so that nothing is moulded and small animals that may be present in the hose should not be suffocated. 😉
Seriously, you’re happy that everything is so tight to pump only if necessary.
The necessary air pressure results roughly from the tire width. 22mm to ~7bar, 37mm to ~5bar, 42mm ~4bar and at MTB from 3bar (very hard), up to 1.5 bar with wide tyres and heavy terrain.
No, as required.
Hardly pumped it gets easier.
Less air drives more comfortable
I recommend a standing air pump with manometer. You see how much pressure is in the tire.
The permissible tire pressure is printed on the tire flank.
Nothing can go wrong.
There are self-help groups for people who are afraid of pumping up bicycle tires.
This is called Velopneumophobia.
Maybe you can handle it.
Isn’t it, you…
And I only believed that…
That’s what I thought…
Made my day
Hey, we’re gonna be friends.
Then I’m sure the Greens are guilty.
No, the birth rates used to be bad.
So in D.
Maybe there would be more children without the Indian net.
Children instead of Indians!
Without the Indian net, there would be no question.
Yeah, she asks the question, you write that, I would have taken it that way without the Internet.