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I only used it once. It was okay. Would use it again if need exists
I think I used an AI twice, so very rare. 😊
LG Maike🙃
ChatGPT I use every day!
Hope could help you 💫 Many nice greetings and stay healthy!😊
I often use
may I know what you use it for?
in my life and every day I never need this and know in no situation why I should use it.
Always, like most people.
Because there are none.
Please explain
What is currently referred to as AI are not AI, but only tools. It reminds a bit of the beginnings of the consumer computers where the hype went so high that you can do everything with them and how intelligent they are. Then people got used to it and someone brought a software called Eliza. There was a hype again how great you could talk to Eliza and how intelligent she was.
I don’t talk about algorithms I talk about artificially created intelligences that can work independently of us and process the data alone we give.
No, there is no AI, the term is currently massively abused and watered and unfortunately a large mass jumps on it.
All that man invented is a tool for us.
But there are still AIs who decide independently of us what they do next, bestets example the matrix around Pong