Wie oft müssen schüler/innen in Korea in der Woche zur Schule?

Also wie ist das in Korea so haben sie dort auch Wochenende oder freie Tage wie ist das so da wir haben ja Samstag und Sonntag keine Schule wie ist das bei denen so ?

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2 years ago

There are also fixed lessons from Monday to Friday. However, the pressure on performance is extremely high, so most pupils go to courses on weekends and learn to the night.

1 year ago


In Korea, the students, as in Germany, have school from Monday to Friday. But often the children also go to something like remedies on weekends, simply because the performance expectancy is very high, and not afterwards.

Best regards onecrazygirlxo 💕

2 years ago

They’re like we’re going to school Monday to Friday. However, in Korea the power pressure is extremely high, so many in their free time go to remedial institutes or learn very much.
I hope that helped you

2 years ago

they have school from Monday to Friday and all day until about 9 pm.

2 years ago

Officially also applies to South Korea Monday-Friday. Many upper schools offer “voluntary” courses, events and learning units on Saturdays.