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Kaninchen, Hamster oder Meerschweinchen?
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depending on the frequentity of use, you don’t have to fatten them before they set themselves. for almost daily use, this is the case after 2-3 months. If you only carry them 1-2 times a week, this is after about half a year the case. in time they only have to be wiped away from the piece with a little bit of sattel soap.
after setting or if they have scratches:
always fat when you cleaned them. with animal fat. herbal oil and fatty resinized and the fiber breaks, so is destroyed. animal fat can be salt-free narrow, green speck or else butter. the normal commercial leather care fats do not baptize.
You may get the appropriate fat in the hunting requirement for use articles made of leather.
You have to clean them when they get dirty.
Why it doesn’t bring to fat new boots is simple: the leather is sealed. the color on the boot forms an impermeable layer. this layer is broken up only when used or when damaged by folding, scraping and scratching. beforehand, the leather is protected by the color layer.
before the first use of new riding boots all visible stitches and rub the falz between sole and upper leather carefully with a slightly warmed pure bee wax candle. so the seams become waterproof.
repeat this seal whenever you have become wet and dirty after the boots, have brushed and they are dry again.
on well maintained neat leather riding boots you can have many years joy.
ps – never use so-called leather balm. that is made on oil basis and is harmful.
After each sprinkle or perspiration at least…
And otherwise?
You can decide this on your own.
I do this once a month
I’ll do this monthly.