Wie oft Meerschweinchen füttern und was?


Ich wollte mich mal danach erkundigen wieviel Meerschweinchen zufressen bekommen sollten und am besten was.

Ich habe mich bei meiner Freundin erkundet und sie erzählte mir das Meerschweinchen kein Wasser brauchen,allerdings glaube ich das nicht.😅

Und sie meinte das eine Portion am Tag auch reicht.

Ich glaube das alles nicht so und wollte mich nochmal hier schlau machen bevor ich mir meerschweinchen hole die nicht so Artgerecht leben wie sie es sollten.(:

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2 years ago

Please read:

2 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

What about paprika and carrots?

2 years ago
Reply to  Anabell698

This is a fruit vegetables and root vegetables. As it says in the flyer, only little, because it is very sugary.

2 years ago


Dry food is really not good for guinea pigs! It can lead to retrograde tooth growth, since the teeth can grow into the eyes, because the teeth of guinea pigs are regrowing and the dry lining is so hard that they drill the teeth further into the gum. In addition, dry food does not supply guinea pigs with enough water because dry food has only 15% water content a guinea pig always needs fresh water from a bowl, no nipple drinks! And it must always have green food available, fruit and vegetables can be offered, but it does not have to as long as the animals always have fresh food. You can put it a lot of fresh food once in the morning and in the evening (e.g. salads, lion’s tooth, trumpet, barcelain). A guinea pig should get at least 10% of its body weight in fresh food per day. And if you have so much fish, it’s not bad for fresh food because they just leave the rest. I should always be
At least once a week you have to exchange it. Dried herbs can be offered from time to time, but at most one tablespoon twice a week because it can otherwise lead to bubbles. And you have to be very careful with treats: I would never take leaks that you can buy so easily on an animal. Always consider that guinea pigs do not tolerate anything baked, they are pure, fresh chefs. As a treat, you can take kitchen herbs, such as parsley or fennel green. Unfortunately, too little people know how to keep guinea pigs right and give them dry food or a nipple drink. I think it’s nice to inform you to keep your guinea pigs good. You can read more guinea pig tips on guinea pig meadow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Julie237Pomme

Sea pigs appreciate nipple drinks

In the Swiss study of the University of Zurich preferred 9 out of 10 guinea pigs nipple drinks before water taps. If only one nipple drink was offered, 8 of the 10 animals drank more water. In the case of a pure heudite, the guinea pigs surprisingly took up equal amounts of water from nipple and water cup. This result is in direct contrast to the results of the rabbits.

The reason for this is suspected by the scientists in the drive typical for the Nager and not due to increased thirst. guinea pigs show typical vertical and horizontal jaw movements in addition to drinking movements when drinking from nipple drink systems, as in the chewing of feed. Nippeltränken thus seem to be a valve for frustrated motivation after nail material.

Another reason, however, could be that guinea pigs, due to their body construction, do harder with short legs and neck, to drink from water taps with a high edge than rabbits and other rodents.

Nippelträken can therefore be seen positively for guinea pigs: In addition to a “work therapy”, the possible increased water absorption is a prophylaxis against urinary stones and constipation.

However, sufficient feed is very important for the well-being of the small sea sows. guinea pigs drink less when feeding fresh food than hay feeding. Feeding fresh food is, however, no justification for not offering drinking water!

2 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

and where did you get this info to nipple?

2 years ago

Stand up. University of Zurich, there are also on the Internet in English. 😉

2 years ago

Hi, I used to have some guinea pigs. My have always had dry food and hay available and once a day got a large bowl full of fresh vegetables and bissel fruit. That with the water was problematic with us because they did not go to the pots or to the bowl with water, but they could absorb enough liquid through cucumbers and the like, which was also explained with our veterinarian.

2 years ago
Reply to  easycheesy42

Dry food is bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  RubyybuR

The dry food was recommended by our veterinarian, that was not a waste from the zoo store. There were only natural things in there that the animals would take too, but in the dried state

2 years ago
Reply to  easycheesy42

Dry food is (not only for guinea pigs) completely unsuitable and even harmful to health!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

That’s it!

1 year ago
Reply to  easycheesy42

Dry food is not suitable at all.

2 years ago

then this was certainly not a veterinarian who was also specialized in guinea pigs

2 years ago

We don’t call dry food.

2 years ago

There are only herbs but also fruits, carrots or stuff inside

2 years ago

My knowledge comes from a nutritionist 😉 Dried herbs are by the way not called dry food

2 years ago

many things that would eat the small normal are hard to get and a dry food consisting of dried fruits, flowers etc. is completely fine. My veterinarian has worked for a long time in animal care and accordingly also has experience in feeding. Where does your knowledge come from when I can ask? I usually prefer to trust a specialist rather than articles on the Internet or similar

2 years ago

Most veterinarians have no idea of feeding except they have an additional training. Dry food should be left. hay, meadow, vegetables and some fruit are perfectly rich

2 years ago

guinea pigs eat almost all day. If you give them only hay and dry food, a large portion of the day is enough, but they also lie down there and pee in. They’re pulling this out of hurries…. Then they need water. If they are fed to the species, they get fresh food: grass, herbs, vegetable leaves (Möhren, Kohlrabi), little salad and cabbage, as well as some vegetables, carrots, fennel, paprika, mine also like to eat oranges and grapes (of which only a little, they get otherwise diarrhea). In addition, branches (fruit tree, pasture) for babbling and hay. They don’t need grain food or something.

Since, as I said, they always put themselves on their food, and go wherever they lie, you should give it in several small portions, always clean away residues so that nothing is moldy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blindi56

Dry food is (not only for guinea pigs) completely unsuitable and even harmful to health!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

But most of them are fed, and I wrote extra, that kind of food looks different….

2 years ago

That’s why you got some tips on how to feed them in a way that’s right. I only mentioned the dry food because they needed water. There are also dried herbs and vegetables that can be added in winter.