Wie oft konsumiert ihr Fleisch?
Wie viel mal in der woche konsumiert ihr Fleisch oder Gelatine pro Woche?
stimmt es dass bockshornklee den appetit anregt? ich nehme es seit 1 woche und merke kein unterschied hab aber oft gehört dass die tabletten den appetit anregen sollen.
Einen wunderschönen Gutan Tag zusammen. „Bio“ ist nur Marketing, um euer Gewissen zu beruhigen! Wie viele sicher mitbekommen haben (Ich erst vorher von einem Freund) ist aktuell, auf TikTok eine Weibliche Person unterwegs die der Gesellschaft unterwirft: “Wir Befördern Kühe ins Schlachthaus“, weil wir Menschen viel Fleisch essen, auf Basis von extremen Veganismus. In dieser…
Also wenn du mal welche isst. Eine Schokoladen sind 100g, also wenn du z.B. eine mit 200 oder 300 isst, gilt das als 2 oder 3.
Also ich ernähre mich eig. gesund und ausgewogen. Ich versuche auch 20kg abzunehmen. Aber heute habe ich halt nicht so gesund gegessen. Und ich fühl mich jetzt voll schlecht, ekelhaft und fett. Hab jetzt auch 2 Workouts gemacvt um die Kalorien wieder los zuwerden. Mach die glaub ich dann auch nochmal. Weil ich will die…
Wie lange würde ein 12 jähriger Junge als frutarier überleben
Ich würde gerne alle Sachen die jetzt weg müssen zu einem tollen obstsalat mit Jogurt dressing verarbeiten in der Kombination wie auf dem Bild. Allerdings habe ich das noch nie gemacht.. Kann mir jemand erklären was ich machen soll?
I only started restricting meat consumption until I finally abandoned it completely. For more than 10 years, I have been vegetarians and eat neither meat nor fish. Since gelatin is obtained from the bones of animals and the animals therefore also have to die, I also do not eat products containing gelatin, such as rubber bears. Gelatin is also used to clarify apple juice. Although the apple juice does not contain gelatin, it is still used for the production process, which is why I do not drink these juices.
In the meantime, however, there are, fortunately, other production processes to clarify the juices. The juices are then labeled vegan on the label. Alternatively, I drink natural apple juice, which is always vegan, since it is not clarified.
I don’t live Vegan, I didn’t get it. I drink milk and eggs or eat it. But that’s where I’m going. Eggs I eat really rare, on average once a month or when I am on vacation. And when I bake, I’ll take egg replacement. I don’t drink that much milk in itself. Coffee I usually drink black, a glass of milk I like to drink, but also rarely. However, I eat very many sweets, which is why milk consumption is still too large.
Truly vegan I’ll never live, but I’ll try to get more on vegan alternatives with candy.
If I eat a rubber bear every day until the bag is empty, I have eaten as much as when I pick up the bag on a day.
This does not allow your survey to be evaluated correctly.
What if I eat the weekly sausage in 2 days, and then for 5 days only plants and mushrooms can eat?
Some eat 7 times a day (a bite), and are magical.
The other is only 1 times a day (through 700 to 2200).
gelatin, or Collagen is in my beauty drink – I drink it every day. (good)Fleisch esse ich ca. 4xthe week, there are fish, eggs and other protein sources. Why? I want to be healthy and fit old without this whole puppy 🙂
This changes, but it should be cut 3-4 times a week. Where the quantities are rather small, a day “with meat” can also be a slice of bread with ham. Or some bacon cubes on the roast potatoes.
Never, I just don’t like it. And I don’t want to eat it either because I’m sorry for the animals.
That’s why I eat vegetarian and partly vegan.
I don’t eat meat, but jelly and fish. I eat fish frequently, but Gelantine I eat only rarely and then mostly rubber bear. Meat never.
Very different, this is not the case after weekdays, but the amount and the amount is usually between 300 and 500g per week per person. Sometimes it is less, rare (for Christmas maybe sometimes or if we grill more than 1x a week) even more.
This week gave meat every day, in some form. Even if the 2x of ham was on the breakfast bread and 1x was a clear chicken broth (the meat from it gives another as a meal), today fish. On Tuesday we had sausages and potatoes, which was so crowded most of the meat we had in the last 3 weeks at once. It’s expensive if you don’t want such a dirt out of the pig.
This is quite different times every day of the week once I eat a few months at all no meat or even quite vegan as there is no fixed rule
I eat meat or fish at all 1-2 times a month and from next year I want to live completely vegetarian!
Even though sausages count, almost every day. But rather little.
Every day. Everyday.
Be vegetarian, I’d love to feed me in pure vegetable, but I’m 14 and my parents don’t want it.
Vegan is a malnutrition and also ethical, ecologically a dead end.
For arable plants, more animals die than for good meat.
There is no reasonable rational reason for veganism at all.
Oh, I didn’t know that, thank you
I do not consume, I am consciously enjoying.
When fish counts 🙂
Not at all. I don’t eat animals.
Don’t worry, I’ll eat it for you.
You just kill her and let her frighten on the field.
Sausages included.
If sausage is meat, then almost daily.
never,bin vegetarian
lg issy
Gelatin – very rare. Meat – different. Sometimes I like to eat sausage.
Cheese daily, meat not.
Because it’s healthy.
That’s a lot of meat
Nee, this is misbelief writes science
Yeah, I don’t care. I know a lot and you won’t believe my doctors and my nutritional advisers have a study and training, so judgements aren’t so fast. Who gives you the title of healthy nutrition?
Nutritionist is not a training profession and anyone with your 14 years you haven’t even reached the end of your school career and believe to be an expert in nutrition because you’re following any self-proclaimed diet.
Oh, my God, you have little idea… I have a number of talks with a wide variety of nutritional advisers, listened to me for hours of nutritional talks with a doctor and had the theme for 4 years in the field of biochemistry at school. I have enough idea. But what you say is the end result of social media. You’re faded by all the diets that are currently trending. I’m not a vegan, I just wanted to make false facts right. You contradict yourself and don’t even notice it, I really feel sad, but I don’t care about your health. Live calmly with faith, you would have knowledge of nutrition, but then please don’t spread the Fake News on the Internet. Fat is healthy, but also carbohydrates. In the case of fats it is only necessary to ensure that as many unsaturated fatty acids are consumed and not to run to the next McDonald’s and to drink the fat.
Combine should be avoided…dir lacks the necessary knowledge to be able to interpret facts correctly … Carbohydrates are first converted into energy and then stops fat burning. These are basics…you need to know to discuss nutrition at all.
This is the claim of the food industry. I am not talking about science from marketing and advertising to sell fat-reduced industry products. What you write is printed in the lay press and comes from manufacturers sponsored commerce studies… but I speak of the physiology of man.
Surfing on per vegan pages and after-speaking is not an experience but knowing falsely mediated.
You say fat is energy, but you should not consume carbohydrates? It’s been a long time, not a bullshit. Fat is important for the body, but only in measurements and better are healthy fats. I probably have more experience with diet than you, as I have been dealing with the subject for a long time, due to anorexia. Of course, a single food is not unhealthy, but a single food is also not healthy, but that was your statement: Because it’s healthy.
This is also a misbelief. It can only be a diet and lifestyle healthy or unhealthy never be a single food.
Fat is for the body energy you just need to move and not consume carbohydrates.
Being a diet separate always leads to a mistake. Anyone who eats rich in calories has to perform endurance sports otherwise it will be unhealthy but then not the fat or meat is unhealthy but also the diet and way of life.
The movement must be adapted to consumption and not consumption to movement. Only many do not understand that because they have no idea about the physiology of man….
If the meat has a very high fat content, it is no longer healthy, just as a misbelief that meat is always healthy. Let’s not start with meat sausage…
I don’t eat meat.
Every day.
I need to balance the new vegans.
Yes, Isso. I used to be a vegan. Worst time of my life.
Keep away from the dark side, young Luke.
And you have to eat meat daily. So that you don’t get any symptoms.