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9 months ago

Hello Henkoner, 👋

How many times do you cry?

‡ ✅ ✅

I’m very glad I did it six years ago

have managed with harmful smoking

Stop. So I don’t know why

I now with extremely harmful cuffs

should start… for:

Joints are more harmful than cigarettes!!️🚬

cannabis smoke contains up to20 times more

ammonia and 5 times more hydrocyanic acid,

as the smoke of tobacco

These substances damage the flicker skins in the airways, so that the self-cleaning of the bronchi is impaired. This
increases theDuration of other
🦀 Cancer-producing substances in the lungs❗️
Is cannabis possibly even more harmful to lungs than tobacco?

A further study from Canada provides information on this. Under the direction of Rebecca Maertens, a research team has compared the incineration residues of cannabis and tobacco to their toxicity.

Condensation of cannabis

According to results, even more toxic,

as that of tobacco!!

The team has demonstrated this to cell cultures.

Generala joint containing about as much tar as 2.5 to 5 cigarettes, is it in a study by Richard Beasley and his team.

The researchers were able to show thatCannabis users as well as tobacco smokers suffer from lung function disorders such as whistling breath, coughs and mucus secretions.

In view of this, it would be obvious that ciffs at least as damaging the lungs as tobacco. However, the study situation is not always clear.



TheSmoke of cannabis contains approximately the same toxic components as tobacco,with the exception of psychoactive substances. Studies can show that the smoke 💨vonJoints even contain more tar and consequently is more harmful than cigarette smoke!!️

In particular,combined consumptioncannabis and cigarettes would riskchronic obstructive lung disease (COPD)increase.

On the other hand, no evidence of an increased risk of disease could be identified for the sole smoking of cannabis, which is attributed to methodological problems.

A current longitudinal study also points out that theRisk

🦀 Double lung cancer in severe cannabis usecould. However, there are other studies that have not been able to identify an increased lung cancer risk even in case of strong consumption. However,British Lung FoundationAccording to the current available studies on the finding thatCannabis is a substantial health risk for the lungs.

Cannabis users must be aware that ciffs can most likely damage the lungs in the long term. cancer risk/#:~:text=The%20Rauch%20von%20Cannabis%20enth%C3%A4lt,also%20sch%C3%A4ds%20as%20Cigarettes.






A high dose of cannabis leads toHigh blood pressure, extended blood vessels and a high pulse.

According to recent studies, regular use of cannabis cancardiovascular system even permanently damage, for example in the form of cardiac arrhythmias and vascular damage.

Researchers have found that, among other things, the consumption of cannabis is the risk of premature orextremely premature cardiovascular diseases increased by about three times.


Since cannabis is generally smoked, it is also necessary to prevent the respiratory organs from being damaged andincreased risk for bronchitis and lung cancerto be taken out.


To influence cannabis on the hormonal and immune system is currently being researched. Also to the effect of cannabis on unborn. Pregnant should therefore avoid any risk and atDo not use cannabis during pregnancy.

On the other hand, several studies have already dealt with male fertility related to cannabis. They give hints that daily ciffingmale fertility can significantly deteriorate and also lead to orgasm problems.

It was also observed thatCannabis consumers have a 70 percent increase in risk of 🦀 testicular cancer❗️


Alcohol and cigarettes harm health massively and can be banned

cannabis smoke is even more harmful,

as cigarette smoke

Also a joint is carcinogenic 🦀

Thought cannabis users so far, the drug would have only intoxicating but no carcinogenic properties, they are now being taught a better one.

Investigationssmall amounts of inhaled marijuana or hashish already change the DNA stronger than tobacco smoke.

Approximately 4000 different substances are found in taboo-containing glimm stalks, of which about 60 are detectable 🦀 carcinogenic. 🦀

In the case of a cannabis joint, “only” is inhaled400 different chemicals. The concentration of some carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons isin marijuana or hashish, however, by half higher than in tobacco

British scientists have now shown that the substances from cannabis smoke lead to so-called DNA adducts.

TheDamage to the genetic material is considered as an initial precursor of 🦀carcinogenesis.🦀

Presumably, three to four joints are enough a day to attack the mucosa of the respiratory tract as well as 20 tobacco-containing cigarettes.

Since cannabis users are often additionally passionate tobacco smokers, they havesignificantly increased 🦀creb risk.🦀

In addition, under 25 years old


LG 🙋🏻

9 months ago

I made it only one-two times, but choose monthly because you can choose nothing else.

Was a nice feeling actually it would do more often.

9 months ago

Right now. If I have, then daily. If it’s all, I don’t smoke a few weeks, I don’t care. In 35 years, I never cried.

9 months ago

Every day from morning to evening.

Currently Wax and Weed

9 months ago

Cali weed?

9 months ago
Reply to  Scxrmane

No, because I’m over 16 there’s only Homegrow and no “guaranteed original Cali bro’

9 months ago


9 months ago


9 months ago

So every 1-2 months

9 months ago

Never and that will not change in the future.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rapunzel324

Doesn’t interest anyone

9 months ago
Reply to  Scxrmane

Doesn’t interest anyone


9 months ago
Reply to  Scxrmane

You can’t judge it!

9 months ago

There is no lack of:

9 months ago

Not at all

9 months ago
