Wie oft in der Woche Wäsche waschen?

Wie oft wascht Ihr in der Woche/im Monat Wäsche und wie viele Personen befinden sich im Haushalt, für die Wäsche gewaschen wird?

Ich bin alleine und Wasche alle 2 Wochen max. 2 Maschinen (30 und 70 Grad)

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2 years ago

We’re two

  • Standard is 1x 40 per week for normal laundry
  • a special wash without a softener for microfiber may be added once a month.
  • about 1x per month of bed linen; most of the 2 machines
  • Washing with other temperatures hardly occurs – we take back. (wool, fine, cook…)

We keep looking that no more than two machines are produced per week, otherwise it becomes difficult with drying.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananaphone0

Good question – if the things are there, they will be used and must be in the laundry. You can’t do that.

That’s why when we buy, we’ll make sure that as much as possible comes into the 40. Let’s go. buy a piece of wool, then it could happen that it always takes a few weeks to complete the machine – on handwash I don’t have the right bock.

The same would be with absolutely white laundry – you should always see that it runs separately etc. – There we have practically nix.

2 years ago

I live alone

1 times a week 60 grad bedding

1 time a week 40 degrees dark

1 time the week 40 degrees white

3 machines a week

2 years ago

Every week on weekends.

live alone

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananaphone0

1-2 depending on whether another time has to be washed. Bed linen and so on