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Female doctor: 1 × a year
Dentist: Every couple of years
Home doctor: Different, but usually several times a year
I’ll go to other doctors as well as never.
This is quite different, in some years I am not sick at all and then I borrowed 2 weeks with intensive pneumonia in bed.
But more than 6 times, it might be if I’m compiling all specialist doctors.
Due to my two-week infusions, where I also see a doctor, I come to over 25 a year.
I have to go to the cardiologist every 6 months, and the dentist, including dental cleaning, is also included. Once a year of urologist and once a doctor.
With a dentist, a lung doctor and a female doctor, I come to 5 appointments every year without having been sick or without something special.
Hasn’t been a doctor for nearly 6 years
Not at the dentist?
That’s impressive. Maybe you can say 80 times that you’ve been in the hospital just two times, that is, for the release of your two children.
Yes Clearly and still do not smoke alcohol and no sugar. Still, it doesn’t matter that you get sick!
Just tip the teeth neatly and regularly brush dan give also there no problems
But first for precaution and 2. Remove Tooth Stone
If you’re not sick, you don’t have to go to the doctor
Should you be every year
As often as necessary.
At least, as type2 diabetics
Not annual