Wie oft habt ihr nach Unzufriedenheit Stelle gewechselt?
Vielleicht hat euch irgendwas nicht gepasst und ihr habt gekündigt und das neue war nicht besser. Vielleicht aus anderen Gründen. Manchmal ist die Arbeit ja gut aber bspw der Chef furchtbar.
Wie oft ist es legitim Stelle zu wechseln?
Wie lange bleibt ihr bis ihr eine Entscheidung trefft.
How many times have you changed after dissatisfaction?
Not yet. I’m still busy in my training.
How often is it legitimate to change place?
Generally as often as you want. As a HR recruiter, however, I can tell you that 3 consecutive employer changes are already thinking under one year of employment. However, we invite such applicants to feel right on the tooth.
How long before you make a decision.
I keep thinking about whether my employer or the job fits me. This is an ongoing process and not fixed to a certain time.
At one point, I went after 14 years when the work volume became less by restructuring and I was no longer exhausted enough and yes, was accordingly dissatisfied. Besides, I could earn more elsewhere. I thought.
The new job after that was a waste because contractually secured work was not given and instead I should do something I didn’t want. I went back after 3 weeks, also from dissatisfaction. Wasn’t a problem because I knew a AG who was looking for someone like me.
I stayed there for 2 years until the company had to register short work and I was to be saved. Before I was quit, I went voluntarily. I was totally satisfied with the work and the people there, so it was pure self-protection to go.
Even no problem, but the operation I changed had tax liabilities and was temporarily closed by the customs after 2 months. So I left here too. It was a pity, but not to change.
The next AG was not a German (no, that is not racist, but simply a fact) and had a somewhat strange, but country-typical view of women in my position, so that he has made my life hard and me constantly down. After a month, I volunteered to leave. I must say that my professional experience has little trouble finding something new in the short term.
At the next job I was about. Six months before I got sick in the long term. I didn’t want the termination there, but since nobody knew if I ever came back, they had to hire someone new.
Today I have been in my current job for over 3 years and will not be guaranteed to announce myself because the job is very much fun. And as a conclusion, I would say it is not (only) on the coal, but also on the fun at work and colleagues as well as the boss.
was there ever a statement about job change?
I’ve changed the place once due to dissatisfaction. The problem is mainly that the many places in the CV will create questions with the personnel. “Why is that so often in another company? Was he often released? Is he reliable? Does he communicate his omission or swore and puts the dismissal wordless?”
If the new company chooses you it can be that they will have some questions about this. You better think of a proper answer when it comes to this.
at the 5 jobs I had up to now I was canceled at 3 because the order situation was too low. on the one hand I have quit because my chefin has only let me do the dirty work, and on the other I have quit because I was pampered at the vocational school also by my colleagues working with me in the same way.
Five times.
2008 once.
2012 once.
2023 three times.
I think I’ll change at least once in 2024. But only the summer holiday.
One time, the job was just fine paid for a while! – I just stopped it there for 1/2 year until I found another more interesting job.
It doesn’t come very well when you have so many places in the CV