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Got the movie then rejected as Kitsch. Then documentation about the Titanic seen
and watched him as an adult 1x. I’m mainly at Requisitions and stage pictures Pleasure. And again strongly perceived the class differences. 😔
Once, that’s when he came out in the movies.
And since approx. For 20 years I have the original plastic-welded and unseen DVD in the cabinet.
So far only once.
And how did you find it?
All right, but I couldn’t see it all the time.
My Sis has probably seen this 10x and is always very emotional after that. I’ve also had 1x.
Surely 15 times.
3x in cinema and a few times on VHS/DVD/Bluray, maybe approx. 15 times maybe more.
Morgeen… at least 5 times.
Beautiful weekend 🥰
LG Sky 🌈
👋 Hello my love😁
Hello my dear Hummingbird
You okay?
Thank you
Thank you very and beautiful weekend!
Oh, I’m so sorry.
With me everything is good.Thanks to the demand
Then I wish you good improvement from all heart
LG Sky..🌈
Better. I was a little nasty or slapping, I don’t know. You all right?
Probably over 10 times. Very often in any case! It’s also a very good movie. But by now I have enough of the film Titanic. Jack! JAACCKKK!
Until now, the story doesn’t find so interesting and the biggest Plottwist already knows everyone, it’s not really worth it for me.
Often. Even in cinema
Never. That’s not my world.
About 5x. Where I am after 1. Once only the part interested, where the pot finally drains. The love story bore me and DiCaprio never liked me as an actor.
I had seen the whole old movie twice, and I hadn’t seen the new ones.
One time this is enough for my rest of my life!
Couple times. I don’t know exactly
I think twice.
Not once
Such snoops are not interested in me
Despite the impressive special effects, the story was a bit too sniffy to me, and that the ship is going down at the end, you knew before.
Nearly 20x my favorite movie:)
Best regards
Not yet
1 times, viewed from the end it was not a good comedy
I’ve never seen him before.
several times
Locker 20 times or so
A few times already 😅 😅 🏻 🏻 🏻
1 times too much
Didn’t see “Titanic” at all. I’m generally not a big movie fan.