Wie oft geht ihr zu KFC 🍗?
Ja, sie sind etwas gestiegen – aber es handelt sich um eine sättigende Mahlzeit und dafür finde ich sind 8-10 Euro völlig in Ordnung.
In Dönerbuden
Habe letztens Blut abgeben müssen , bei der Hausärtztin. Im grossen und ganzen war eig. Fast alles gut. Jedoch war Vit. B12 zu tief. 143. Pmol hatte ich. Nun hat Sie mir Vit. B12 Tabletten verschrieben. Ist der genannte Wert sehr tief? oder nur leicht? Weiss das hier jemand? Ich habe es leider verpasst Sie…
Hallo, ich suche einen krativen Namen für folgendes Gericht: Rehravioli aus Carobimehl mit Ziegenkäse-espuma, brauner Butter und Schüttelbrot
Ist es für euch eine Essstörung wenn man sich bei Schwierigkeiten oder negativen Erlebnissen/ Gefühlen mit Süßigkeiten bis zum Rand vollstopft und manchmal auch die Grenze nicht erkennt und dann erbricht? Also das erbrechen ist sehr selten und auch nicht willentlich herbeigeführt.
Ist das jetzt schlimm, schmeckt es andester oder kann man es nicht mehr verzehren…
Almost never. I’d have to drive about 70km by the next KFC.
I’m there a maximum of 1 times a year when you come by chance.
We have 100 kilometers to the next KFC. Have you been there for a couple of times and then you’ll be home again?
Just once a year to the Super Bowl
I’ve heard about it and probably seen it before, but I’ve never ordered anything.
I was there with a friend over 15 years ago.
Someday I was there, but I’m not. But I don’t eat anything from McDonalds or Burgerking. I’d rather not eat.
I personally find that the range selection at KFC is generally not particularly large (even if it is a simple chicken restaurant).
There are usually larger portions in the menu and even if the Chicken Nuggets are a bit larger (as with McDonald’s), but if there are still bones, the food is usually pulverized in the nut.
Conclusion: The McDonald’s is a little bit better from the portions of the KFC, although fast food is not so fast.
I lived a few years ago. Just like Mc Donalds and Burger King. But, unlike KFC, I have at least tolerated them…
So far, I’ve been similar. The bucket chicken follows a day full of stomach pain…
Right. I’ve been testing the burgers and I wasn’t really good after that. A second test confirmed…
And I’m really not sensitive to eating 😀
I’ve never been there.
Once there, it was okay, but I don’t like this excessive cheap meat dinner. Eat usually only rarely fast food, and then actually always subway. Or the good old dungeon.
Rare to never. The next one is 150km or more and if I get past one, I can’t find anything that tastes me. There’s only these ugly hotwings and zig garbage burgers, the selection won’t work anymore.
If I eat fast food, just Burger King.
I like KFC, but I don’t think about it. Was in the last 10 years when high comes 3-4 times at KFC
I don’t like food from cardboard boxes. Even a pizza I’d rather eat from the plate than from the cardboard.
My friends and I have traveled to KFC very often during the summer holidays to meet and hang us all private again. At the moment it is more difficult with the stress in school, before all, because the KFC is some Km away from us.
I do not support the exploitation of people, animals and the environment as a vegan – even if the delicious vegan burgers would offer…;)
“My DIY” is also the answer!
No, I won’t.
I don’t like fast food, except sometimes a döner.
I don’t actually go to such high-speed food stalls…but if I had to and stand these and mecces and co. for choice, then I would rather come here..^^^
I find the VfL in W. better.
I’ve never gone to KFC.
The food offer doesn’t irritate me.
The next branches are unfortunately 100 kilometers away. Still, I’m there a few times a year.
Because I don’t know anyone. Apparently not very common.
Never been there
Maybe there was something to eat twice.
And find the food like this:
never, be more mecces fan
There is no
Was there once in the last 10 years.
… and still alive?
The ones say so, the others.
Was there 3x in my life until now, and I have to say there’s really better. Even the Chicken Nuggets of McDonalds taste better than their strange meat ^
With it comes up when I think of the fresco
I don’t have to.
bestelle da min two times a week
I don’t know
I’ve never been there.
Do not take medicines antibiotics, etc if I get sick and don’t want to have something in food, but I don’t need mass livestock garbage. Then I’d rather have a good thing from the slaughterer or something
I was there once. Never again!
KFC is not healthy.
never been there
Never been there
1 times a year
I don’t know. Did I miss important things?
Better go to mecces but so 2-3x a week I get at the station something at kfc
go there twice a week
Bee vegan
Dear McDonald`s