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1 year ago

There is no reason to justify taking this liquid sugar with various additives.

1 year ago

Bubble Tea is not carcinogenic or toxic, but also anything but healthy. First, the tea drink is a huge calorie bomb. How many calories a bubble tea has depends on the size of the drink and the ingredients chosen in the shop. A cup of 0.3 liters contains between 300 and 500 kilocalories. The strongly sugary ingredients of the Bubble Tea are responsible for this. An average of 180 grams of sugar comes to one liter.

Whether with honey orSugaris sweetened, has only an insignificant influence on the number of calories. Since the pearl tea is usually served with many ice cubes, the strongly sweet taste is weakened when drinking: a deceptive impression.

Bubble Tea also contains various synthetic additives. The colourful colours of the tea are produced with dyes. In addition, artificial aromas and preservatives are used.

1 year ago

Can you also just eat teaspoon sugar…will be cheaper;-)

1 year ago

If you regularly take sugary drinks to you, then you actually take

