Wie oder woran kann man bei McDonalds die Chickennuggets von den “Blümchennuggets” unterscheiden?
Jetzt mal ungeachtet dessen, dass McDonalds ganz böse und schlimm ist. 🤪
Ich habe mir Donnerstag Abend, für die Autobahnfahrt, mit Gutschein einen 20er Chickennuggets geholt. Ich achtete darauf, dass ich nicht Plantbased nehme.
Ich bekam meinen Karton in weißorange ohne Plantbasedaufdruck.
Trotzdem schmeckten die Nuggets irgendwie ungewohnt anders und sie waren innen seltsam faserig.
Nach 10 Stück hatte ich ein starkes Völlegefühl im Magen und ich fühlte mich sehr aufgebläht.
Die Nuggets lagen mir über Stunden schwer im Magen.
Sowas hatte ich mit McDonalds Chickennuggets noch nie erlebt.
(Es kann auch nicht an irgendwas vorher gelegen haben. Ich habe nichts Außergewöhnliches gegessen.)
Könnte das bereits im Restaurant vertauscht worden sein? 🤔
If the fiber were you had some.
The Mcdonalds make more mistakes I had a citizen without meat
Thank you.
I thought so.
I used to have a McChicken without a lower bun.
Also possible.
The next time, I’ll try the first nugget in front.
Can be or they have confused everything and you have splashed but no one has your chickennuggets
I added my question.
Maybe interesting.
Can I imagine
Or overwhelmed and stressed.
I personally don’t want to work at McDonalds. It’s probably worse than a messenger at dpd.
somehow you’re not consistent: at the beginning you’re cheating as evil and bad, but go and buy these nuggets to eat, and not for the first time.
if you eat it right in front of the place and you notice that it is lacking or strange, then you go back to the steps and complain.
neither GF nor whining.
I had assumed that the 🤪 sufficiently explained the silly statement.
If I’m not jokingly writing how “shlimm” McDonalds is, then the answers are only: “McDonalds is just mixed.” And that doesn’t help me.
Besides, I’ve eaten on my way and don’t go back the whole way.
I can only make a very general statement.
There are great differences in quality in chicken nuggets. In the toughest quality level, breast fillet is cut small and then panned.
In the secondary quality stage there are placed meat puffs and fragments in a mold and the whole is then formed with a lot of binder into a meat mass.
At the bottom is then separating meat, since wastes with fat and binder are poured into a mass which is then panned. This is evident from the fact that no more meat fibres are recognizable. The meat mass is formless and has the strings of “foam”.
Mcdonalds uses only the highest quality level.
Yes, right and that of Edeka should be good and cheap level 2 but for about 7 € per kilogram is OK.
I actually got “Plant” in normal packaging.
Today my buddy and I went to McDonalds and got us a HappyMeal with Nuggets. He took normal and I planted.
Then we tried every two nuggets of each variety. So the juicy, well-salted and meaty chicken nuggets and the pappy, tasteless and dry plantnuggets.
I also freed one of every variety from the panade. At the plant, the panade is more spiced than at real chicken.
I added my question.
Maybe interesting.
The plantdingers taste only after panade and are rather dry.
Blähend they are not, and I can eat exactly as much as I could eat from Chicken Nuggets – with enough dip.
However, I don’t buy them anymore because they’re not particularly delicious.
Sometimes they don’t have the right boxes anymore. Or you’ve been rustling when ordering 🙂
That’s a useful answer. Thank you.
Then I’m sure somebody’s swapped it in the mocces.
Noodles didn’t go because I ordered it at the “Riesenhandy” and I still have the receipt. I ordered everything right.
Or do not have a matching cardboard. I’ve experienced both.
Then I would have asked if the goods were received.
I don’t care if you didn’t buy dead animals. =)
I added my question.
Maybe interesting.
It’s okay. You can’t really do a lot wrong with fried pommes now.
The Pommes are also good!
Under certain circumstances. I don’t know the processes behind the MCD sales counter. I’m understandably barely left, at most for ne Pommes.
Nevertheless, this can have happened so much.
Oh, ne, I had read it wrong in the question.
The carton was the right thing for my order.
Oh, I see.
There might have been no plant carton and the staff at the front grabbed the wrongly normal carton even though Plant was in.
Sounds plausible.
Can be good
The confuse so often what and PLANT is not always
Greeting, GK
With enough dip everything is not so dry and nicely spicy, so no matter what you eat there. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Nevertheless, the plants don’t taste me. (paper with dip 🤤 )