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It depends on the kind of gap. On a buffer overflow you can test with fuzzers and then write an exploit of the corresponding Schellcode to a specific location to run it.
In a race condition, you need to do something more quickly than the program – for example, provide a response to a victim faster than the program itself.
However, if you have to ask such questions, I would recommend that you look at simpler hacking techniques beforehand. Reverse engineering of software and the development of exploit code are already quite advanced techniques.
Tell you what the normal vulnerabilities are.
In C(++), there are usually string overflows.
Most modern languages do not have the problem, so many vulnerabilities in interfaces to C libraries are then.
It may also be useful to look for known gaps in large libraries.
Can’t be answered because there are extremely many different types of vulnerabilities.
Generally, you need to know less with the programming language yourself and more with the function in which the error is stuck.
I just made an introduction video. Work first with the topic itself and try sites with vulnerabilities zb OWASP juice shop etc.
Must look at the binaries.