Wie nimmt man Diazepam als Tropfen ein?
Ich habe diazepam als Tropfen bei mir und will diese konsumieren ( ich brauch keine Aufklärung über das Thema). Jetzt frag ich mich ob ich diese Tropfen trinken/runterschlucken soll oder sie mir mit einer Spritze in die Vene schießen muss.
Diazepam is an active ingredient from the group of benzodiazepines. It is used especially when a long working time (up to 24 h) is desired.
Diazepam tops are intended for preoral (swallow) administration. They can be taken pure or with some water. An intravenous application is not recommended since diazepam drops generally contain auxiliaries such as alcohol, propylene glycol, saccharin and aromatica.
There are special diazepam injection solutions for use in hospitalized patients.
Consider that all benzodiazepines (incl. diazepam) are difficult to depend on when used too frequently.
It is taken orally and not venous. Safer use rules should always be observed.
Diazepam drops are usually taken orally and not venous. I would advise you to inform you enough about the drops next time (if you repeat this at all). The venous supply of drugs that are not made for it can become very dangerous very quickly.
I would also advise you to inform you about the safer use of Diazepam.
The first correct answer. I haven’t taken anything yet, but I’m just about to inform myself and safer use will be considered safe. Thank you.
Even if diazepam had to be administered intravenously, it would be possible to fail, as a whole, to questions such as syringe size, cannula thickness and correct meeting of the vein.
If you’re too stupid to take drops right then you should leave it 🤦 ♂️😩
You don’t come to the world omnisciently. Sometime you ask and get your answer and live with the knowledge. Besides, I don’t know this idea is the best, but I decided to do it because of private reasons. With an answer I would be happy otherwise I would ask not to leave comments about which is not in demand. :