Wie nimm ich besser zu?
Bin immer mal wieder im Untergewicht oder kurz davor. Das problem: ich Ekel mich vor essen. Irgendwie muss ich dann auch aus Hunger was essen. Aber nicht gerne und nicht viel.
Zunehmen fällt mir sehr schwer. Habt ihr Ideen wie man schnell zunehmen kann? Fühle mich auch unwohl in meinem Körper…
Weight gain is a longer process (even if many women do not agree to it;D) you must have patience and regularly maintain a balanced diet to see results. If you have trouble enjoying or digesting food, you should (actually) consult a doctor or a therapist.
Can you give yourself a few tips:
More frequent small meals and not three large
high quality carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, rice, potatoes and noodles
high quality protein such as chicken meat, beef, fish, eggs and beans.
healthy fats, nuts, avocado, olive oil and fat fish such as salmon.
drink a lot of liquid, especially water and milk.
Wish you all good
Love Black2404,
Because of your described problem, it might be a therapy to consider, because food is not disgusting and you should learn that, too, you should be able to feel comfortable in your body. It is not always possible to do this alone, which is why help in this case would be correct and important.
But if you don’t want to do this, you could start by learning that eating is not just the pure food intake, but also something social, so that you gradually eat to get connected with positive…
You can do that!
Good night to everyone!