Wie nennt man solche Sicherheitsgurte?
finde die mit 2 Gurten voll cool. und wo kann man solche kaufen:) und kann man die auch in normalen Autos einbauen. danke im vorraus
finde die mit 2 Gurten voll cool. und wo kann man solche kaufen:) und kann man die auch in normalen Autos einbauen. danke im vorraus
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Hallo! Bin der Max, 22 und suche ein billiges Studentenauto, das ich 2 Jahre fahren kann, eventuell auch 4. Mir wurde gestern ein Mitsubishi Carisma Automatik von 2002 angeboten, 105000 Kilometer, von einem älteren Mann gefahren. Das Auto wirkt praktisch und zweckmäßig, es hat ein Fließheck mit großem Kofferraum. Es soll mit neuem TÜV 1300…
Guten abend habe eine frage: ich bräuchte neue reifen für den camper auf den reifen sind die dimensionen aber nicht richtig zu sehen kann mir jemand helfen welche reifen ich brauche
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Guten Tag liebe Leute, mein Renault Twingo 2 ist nicht durch den TÜV gekommen, da der Airbag Schleifring im Lenkrad anscheinend kaputt ist. Dieses Teil ist aber überall nicht verfügbar, auch bei allen Schrotthändlern in meiner Umgebung nicht. Nun zur Frage kann ich dieses Lenkrad kaufen und das Teil von da ausbauen ? Hier der…
For safety belts it is generally necessary to have an ECE test mark. You can find this in all straps as a small white stitched Etti chain.
However, the suspension points of the belts must also be officially checked. It fails because car has normal belts, have a point on the B column. However, the seat belts are usually attached behind the seat to the vehicle floor or to the superfoll cage. There it usually has no tested suspension point in series vehicles.
Trouser straps are common in racing cars and sometimes they are also found in series sports cars. In this case, however, cultivation was provided by the designer.
these are so-called trouser carriers. have the original strap fastenings re and left which are attached to the back of the strap fastening of the rear seat or underneath. The normal belt fastenings (belts) of the rear seat row are permissible for this purpose.
Disadvantages of the rear seat row can no longer be used for passenger transport when the trousers are in use.
Possibility : You let the series straps drínn and also the rear and screw the pants straps. Thus, if need for take-away on the rear seats, there is still the serial three-point belts available and one behaves in accordance with the rule.
To say what this is for belts you have to see the closure. Either the 4 point, 5 point or 6 point straps.
Also known as scrapers.
Well, Schroth is just a company that produces such belts.
Therefore, “also known as scrapers”.
I know a lot of people who love saying, “Schroth always goes with me.”
But not known “generally”.
In general, brace straps, depending on the actual number of straps, sidn it 4 or 6-point straps. idR can only be retrofitted in an existing roll bar in a vehicle to which the belts can be fastened.
In a “normal” car, which is now not intended for “race”, it is usually a 3-point gurte.
It’s easy to incorporate. However, no one can sit on the back bank anymore, since the belts pass through to the back, and thus hinder sitting on the back bank.
4- and 6-point safety belts.