Wie nennt man solche Leute?
Mein Freund (14) hat sein Geldbeutel verloren im Zug. Ein Mädchen 80Km entfernt bringte es per Post, einen Brief und den Geldbeutel zurück. Haben solche Leute Charakter, Mitgefühl, Gute Erziehung vllt. Hätte das Mädchen auch nicht das den Zug Personal geben können als Fundsachen?
Hopefully, he paid her the expenses plus finder reward. Otherwise it is better than the thief who would not have handed out the things. It would have been right to hand the fund thing to the train staff.
Yes the girl probably had character 😁
Thank you.
Of course not from you but from yours. It would not be shameless to thank him for the return. The finder is entitled to compensation and finder reward. He wouldn’t have anything without her.