What is this genre called?
from this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPjuaasMeJA
from this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPjuaasMeJA
What can happen if, for example, I don't like a song because someone sang along whose voice doesn't fit with the rest of the song or I personally don't like it, and I remove that person from the song and then publish it on my YouTube channel. Of course, without monetization.
Heyy, Due to traumatic experiences, I think a lot, mostly bad things. About myself, others, (violent) fantasies, and things like that. And because it drives me crazy, I always take music and turn it up so loud that I can't hear my thoughts anymore. Do you think this is a good method?
Hello dear community! I like Eminem better…and you? Greetings Albert
https://youtu.be/e1xDJRI3ZlM?si=3ua9W8Rh0JRGGLO7 I happened to see this video (which isn't very good) I can't get this song out of my head… This from the beginning, maybe someone knows it from the Psytrance, Goa or Hardcore genre?
I have a problem. There are a lot of concerts I'd love to go to. However, my friends have completely different musical tastes than I do. Now I'm considering just going alone. Do you have any experience with this?
I've never been to a festival before. I was invited to Tanz der Basse, which runs from 12-10 p.m. Do you bring food or drinks with you, or does everything come with it? •What do you wear to a techno festival?•And what do you do? •what not to do? •How do you behave? Important information?…
Das Genre ist „Alternative“.
jup das weiß ich, aber ist halt zml unspezifisch, darunter fällt gefühlt alle musik die ich höre und die variert schon ganz stark :S aber trotzdem danke 🙂
Ich hätte gesagt das wäre eine Mischung aus Alternative bzw. Indie und Rap!