Wie nennt man den Beruf indem man mit Babies im Krankenhaus arbeitet und was muss man dafür tun?

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Kann ich als Kinderpflegerin (Kita) im Krankenhaus bei den Babies arbeiten?

Muss man dafür Studieren und so?

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6 months ago


Description of the profession

In midwives make an indispensable contribution to the health care and accompaniment of women from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding, as well as of newborns and infants.

In particular, the midwife profession includes the independent and comprehensive counselling, care and observation of women during pregnancy, at birth, during the week’s bed and during breastfeeding, the independent management of physiological births, as well as the examination, care and monitoring of newborns and infants (§ 1 Hebammengesetz – HebG).

Reform of training and legal foundations

The midwife training was completed by the Labour Force Reform Act, which was adopted on 1 January. In January 2020, extensively reformed and modernised. Midwives are now trained academically within the framework of regular study programmes. The study is designed as a dual study.

Legal foundations are the new Hebammengesetz (HebG) and the associated study and examination regulations for midwives (HebStPrV). This is a so-called professional registration law which is based on the legislative competence of the Federal Government under Article 74(1), point 19 of the Basic Law.

Access requirements for midwives

  1. Completion of at least 12 years of general educationor
  2. The completion of a successfully completed vocational training
  3. • to the health and nursing staffor
  4. • for health and child careor
  5. • for nurse or nurseor
  6. • for nurses or nurses responsible for general care in EU countries, provided that the training meets the requirements of European law;
  7. health suitability for completing midwife;
  8. knowledge of the German language required for the study of midwife;
  9. The applicant may not have been guilty of any conduct resulting in in indignity or incompatibility for completing the midwife course (Section 10(1) HebG).

https://www.bundesgesundheits Ministry.de/themes/health/health

6 months ago

I’m sure you mean a nurse. Here you can find hints: https://www.mystipendium.de/berufen/kinderkrankenschwester/training more of them there are