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Was soll ich klassisches backen?
Ich bin Hobby Bäcker und mache eher torten,cup cakes und alles in die Richtung hab aber mal Lust etwas klassisches wie ein Kuchen oder so zu backen aber mir fällt einfach nicht ein was für ein Kuchen oder was ich backen soll
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Was esst ihr zum Frühstück beim Bäcker?
Keine Umfrage, ich würde nur gerne von denen wissen, die sich einen Frühstücksteller bestellen: Warum? Damit meine ich die Teller, wo Brötchen, Butter, Käse, Wurst, Honig und Marmelade zum selber belegen drauf sind. Was verleitet eine Person dazu, sich für sowas zu entscheiden, statt einem gut belegten Fladenbrot, Schnitzelbrötchen und so weiter.
in pancakes I give you right, but it’s called berliner xD
The image describes it perfectly
Depending on where I lived, the Berlin, Kreppel, Krapfen. And there’s nothing left to you than to use the name. And you won’t believe it doesn’t fall out of the crown. :
Crabs, get ready! Not “Berliner” or even worse “Pfannkuchen”
Nö Berliner.
But it seems to me where you were born
Are Berlin (people) filled with jam or what?
Yes Pancake I find the worst
Just how were those made by your grandparents? In the fat PFANNE!
The one grandparents no longer lived as I was born and the others don’t know that at all
My grandma was born in 1895 and flew to the angels in 1989 They had 12 children and not even those who emigrated from Brandenburg to Bochum.
Everyone says what he wants to do to the things and thus basta
That’s how to compare, right?
I don’t care if it’s Frankfurt, Cola bottle or Mount Everest.
Good argument, however, has already said that it really doesn’t matter, and it is different from country to country.
I’m not going to
Can you pull Parisians (people) over the snare
People are always stupid.
Ne, there are no human group
What’s that stupid question? Sorry.
Could I also give the same argument as to whether all people are filled with jam (rapes).
But also know the other names
I’m always saying crawl.
Berlin is our name. But still like to say cripples 🙂
With us in Central Franconia this is the “Faschingskrapfen” – there is also only this time (at least in our small family bakery).
They are consistent.
Berlin or Krapfen in no case “Pfannkuchen”
And why not ❓
Is this the case with us?
How do you get pancakes?
I would have to ask grandma *1895 but this has already flown to the angels in 1998 I guess that comes because the Pancake to be made.
I don’t know
Then we agree
I have no problem and you
Problem is what now? Sorry, the frigae was like “euch”. And I wrote that
See and with us they are now called pancakes
Crabs or in the dialect “Hupperl”.
Do not stop
Pancake (which I did not understand as a child). The other in the pan are eggcakes.
Crabs were in the last question as fat bags without shape and unfilled. As (2 of others). This is called Prillekin.
This depends on the region where someone lives!
we also say Crabs
Berlin (home in the Palatinate)
or jam filled doughnut (here in England)
Kreppel (Hessen)
Ne spass, Berlin
With us Berliner or as I call them “Müll”. Pure sugar, very unhealthy and already after a part harmful.
We call the Berliner (Nrw)
These are Berliners. Who says anything else is not loved by his parents (I believe)
thanks, so and not other
The only answer I accept 🙂
You have a funny attitude
The truth has nothing to do with an opinion or attitude.
Boycott all you don’t like ❓
Okay, cool. I boycott these federal states
This is different from Germany to Germany
Berlin, and is also the only correct term, everything else is blasphemy…
in my old home, in
♪ Berlin (Ballen),
where I am dahoam am – in
– they say Capsin Saxony they say Pancake.
I call the “Berliners”.
Me too:)
With us the pancakes
In the Rhineland they are called Berlin