Wie nehmen Kampfjets den Kontakt mit anderen Fliegern auf?

Hallo, mich interessiert es schon seit längerem wie Kampfjet Piloten den Funkkontakt mit einem unbekannten/nicht-registriertem Luftfahrzeug aufnehmen. Ich mein, an der Außenfläche steht wahrscheinlich keine Funkfrequenz. Gerne auch eine ausführlichere Erklärung.

Danke im Voraus : )

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2 years ago

The frequencies are prescribed for the respective range.

There is also an emergency call frequency that is internationally tuned.

However, if combat jets rise, the air traffic controllers have already failed to attempt to communicate. It is therefore unlikely that the jet pilot will suddenly succeed.

2 years ago
Reply to  atm77

well they usually have success because you are already awake when a Eurofighter is behind one in shot postion and the other looks into the cabin window what is going on so it usually helps

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

There you are right, but as it is in the answer it is true. Only when the emergency frequency that an aircraft must always have active fails will come kampjets. They must have an impression of the cockpit, because they don’t have any other communication channels, i.e. hand signs

2 years ago

The next contact takes place visually. The interceptors are flying next to the aircraft and by means of internationally known flight maneuvers and signs to understand that the aircraft should follow and land. In the event of repeated non-respect, warnings from the cannon may be given. If the aircraft does not respond to any contact, the firing may take place.