Wie nehme ich schnell zu?

Hello Freunde, undzwar bin ich schon immer sehr sehr schlank und nehme sehr schwer zu…mir fällts aber auch schwer „normale“ Mengen zu essen weil ich mir allgemein mit dem Essen nicht so leicht tue und auch schnell satt bin. Auch bei Stress esse ich mehrere Tage kaum etwas weil mir der Appetit fehlt. Ich möchte aber sehr gerne zunehmen weil ich mit persönlich viel zu dünn bin und dadurch für mein Alter auch ziemlich jung aussehe was mich stört da ich selten als erwachsen angesehen werde oder ernst genommen werde…habt ihr Tipps ? (Ich kann keine Nüsse essen) PS: bin 1.60 groß und wiege etwa 47 Kg

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1 year ago


I would track calories in your place. I’ll use App Lifesum for that. Recreate your need with the computer of about Rock’s Nutrition or the like and try to eat 500kcal more than you consume. You can easily “force” yourself through tracking. You should increase 0.5kg per week.

I would start with rather unhealthy, calorie-rich foods (sugar, fast food) to achieve first positive successes on the scale and then annoy healthier eating.

If you’ve managed to do this, make motorsports to build decent mass (muscles).

So I would do it


1 year ago
Reply to  emmaaa2801

If your main goal is only weight gain, I would proceed radically. Pizza, pasta with cheese, cream sauces, chocolate. It is of course pure fat, what you add here and that it is not good for health, is clear. You could also make a shake in the morning in the mixer from oat flakes, milk, nutella, peanut butter and weightgainer (Instant Oats). Otherwise, you might want to go to such a supplement store where employees are making bodybuilding on anabolic steroids. They can certainly give you tips because these people eat more than 4,000 a day, sometimes much more

1 year ago

I always had the same problem.. was it seemingly too much for me? Movement.. meanwhile as a student and with much more stress, less sports and a girlfriend I weigh 20% more💪 Has always been considered “too thin”. It has at least helped me to drink many shakes. with many calorie rich foods, such as peanut butter, oat flakes, milk, quark (40%), bananas

I then increased 10 kilos within half a year. I am also a very bad eater when I am exposed to stress sometimes I forget. with the shakes I had always drunk as soon as I felt a hunger feeling, maybe the vat️ð

1 year ago
