Wie nehme ich die Pille bei zeitverschiebung?
Bin in Malaysia und habe zu Deutschland 6 stündige zeitverschiebung. Kann ich die Pille nach der deutschen Zeit nehmen? Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich das schon seit 2-3 Tagen so gemacht. Ich warte immer dass es in Deutschland 20:00 ist damit ich sie in Malaysia sie nehmen kann also wäre es dann hier 02:00 Uhr aber halt schon der nächste Tag
Appears the pill…. With my pill and my body, it also works when I take it around another time. Maybe you could always take them a bit earlier (today an hour earlier, after tomorrow another hour etc. If this is worth it)
Yeah, I’d take her after the German time. Then your body doesn’t have to pamper and it’s always the usual time. I’d be the safest person.
Read the package leaflet. In some pills it is not a problem to take them in the target time zone at the usual time, in some cases it is not allowed to be more than 3 hours difference.
Take them further after German time then you are right again when you are back from vacation. I always did that.