Wie nehme ich die Audios von mein Keyboard auf?
Welche Kabel sollte ich mir kaufen um Aufzunehmen?
ps: Es ist ein Casio CTK-3500
Welche Kabel sollte ich mir kaufen um Aufzunehmen?
ps: Es ist ein Casio CTK-3500
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Kann auch auf Englisch oder Deutsch sein und auf Japanisch
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The question is what comes across the USB port. Midi signals, or digitized audio? But it’s probably just Midi. Then you can only use the headphone output. So you need a 6mm cable stereo to the entrance of your recording device.
Hi! The USB port is like spelman already said to transfer MIDI signals. This is not suitable for a “direct recording”.
I would recommend a USB-AUDIO interface and connect it to the stereo/headphone output via blade cable, e.g. this:
Steinberg UR22 MK2 Value Edition – Musikhaus Thomann
You also have recording software. Or you invite the free AUDACITY from the internet, which is imho a bit easier to understand than Cubase.
So: Keyboard -> clink cable -> USBInterface -> USB cable -> computer.
Usually you take a MIDI cable… but obviously it’s a very cheap keyboard, try the USB port.
No, you don’t take a midi cable when recording audio, i.e. the sound of the keyboard. Midi contains only the information which button has been pressed as long, but no audio signals. When playing on the PC or elsewhere, the sound can therefore be completely different, better or worse.
Of course:) You use the same soundfont on the keyboard and the PC. There’s nothing else.
But every soundfont sounds different – it’s because you really have the identical fonts on the PC, from the keyboard manufacturer.