Wie nehme ich am effektivsten zu?
Guten Tag und zwar hab ich ein Problem (M17)ich werde von jedem Stock(63kg dauerhaft) genannt die Eltern von meiner Freundin sagen gib dem ruhig noch nen Teller der kann es gebrauchen. Ich probiere schon einige Zeit zuzunehmen aber aufgrund meines Vaters habe ich einen so schnellen Stoffwechsel ich nehm nicht zu hab alle Methoden von verschiedenen Mahlzeiten probiert aber ich nehme nicht zu selbst 6 Mahlzeiten mc Donalds hat nicht pro Tag funktioniert + ich möchte Muskeln denkt ihr es reicht wenn ich Übungen zuhause mache Liegestütz + mit Hanteln Sachen für die entsprechenden Gruppen oder muss ich wirklich ins gym? Gibt es Tabletten wo Stoffwechsel langsamer machen
Hello have a nice slim body that all have something on the gossip where you call you stick, they are all fat, you can make pilates,
The best cyclist in the planet has a figure. If he were bigger and heavier, he wouldn’t be the one he is.
The one in the red swimwear should have your figure.
But if you want to look a little more muscular, don’t go to the gym. The swimmers have the best figure from all athletes. Google times Thomas Ceccon.
What is your calorie requirement?
1700 Basic requirements
Then eat 200-500 calories a day more than the 😀
I doubt you’re tracking your calories properly. You can’t do that much anymore
But I don’t take I’ve been on 63KG for months
Then you’re on a good way! Do not overdo it 🙂
Yes, the problem is that I already do 😨
To be honest, you’re not now insanely muscular, but don’t look sub-nourished. Just getting thicker, I think I’m stupid. Train a bit and don’t just shoot calories.
Yes but do you think I can get wide through workouts at home?
Better this will certainly, but so from the first appearance it doesn’t make the impression as if you bring the plants for a pure muscle package… One man has a little bit easier, the other a little less easy through his genes…
I’d start at home and see how you’re going and what’s going on. In the gym, you have financial commitments again, you have to go back to what means extra effort again, it is much more time-consuming than if you do what at home 20 or 30 minutes.
I mean, I never said that I had muscles my question was if I should start workouts at home or go to gym*
If you are serious about trying to count calories and go into a kcal excess of300-500 but you should also start with sports
Make sports have played my whole life football but this isn’t so effective I know