What is the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight at 14?
Hi, I'm Virginia and I'm overweight (92.5 kg). What's the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight? (I'm doing it for my health) Do you have any tips? Jogging isn't possible for me because I just twist my ankle, but I can try. I'm 1.73 cm.
The most important thing in weighting is the diet, you get the diet in the grip you will be “automatic”. You need to get into a clue deficit that means eating less calories than you need to lose body fat. The second most important is sport only light sports and no motor sports otherwise you get muscles as you get the suggestion to lose weight. with supplements you can make it easier and it doesn’t hurt the koprer DOSING! Not to put everything on the sups at the young age.
My secret tip don’t let the sweet drinks leave directly water if you can’t do it, you shouldn’t mind drinking water directly if you don’t have zero alternatives (there are now very tasty alternatives) just by letting away you often notice a small but discreet subsvheid.
For further questions please contact me 🙂
I wouldn’t recommend Zero, they’re not healthy. You don’t accept, but you’re just as unhealthy. Lovely water.
Have you read my post exactly if do not please do this again exactly the place where I get to Zero drinks outside
Oh, God, I’m asking you to talk to a diet or serious facts on the Internet. Zero sugar consists clearly of chemical but still better than pure sugar. It should also be just a transition phase to get away from the sooted. If she manages to drink water from the ground, she should do it, but if she only drinks sugary drinks, it becomes difficult. I also know that of myself and there were zero alternatives very helpful. Please don’t be so ridiculous on the Internet
You said you can try Zero instead of Coca Cola Original. No good idea breaks the body even more depending on the source..
Make HIIT workouts daily. Best of Sascha Huber.
In addition, dispense with soft drinks and candy. For the beginning.
Then later, you can also save carbohydrates, but first of all the garbage and sports, after which you can eat less.
3kg or 2.5kg per month are realistic if it is no longer, don’t give up, good thing needs a while!
That you want to make it healthy, I find it very good, that shows you are ready to change something and not just lazy.
Good luck!
More movement and calorie deficit. This does not go quickly, for long-term and sensible.
Not at all. And with 14 you are still in growth and development and should only decrease with guesses from your doctor.
He can also help you think about a diet, eat differently, etc.
Through healthy and varied diet you can take 2-3 kg healthy in the month and by sports/movement.
Eat healthy. Lots of fruit and vegetables.
Instead of jogging, go for walks and hiking. It’s a gentle joint first. If you have taken off something, you can start jogging.
Cycling and, above all, swimming are also joint-saving sports where you burn much more calories. I know it shouldn’t be too much for the start, but swimming is really fun and isn’t even so strenuous.
App Yazio can recommend i ch and viiiel Sport
It is best if you start paying attention to your diet. That means
If that works you can start moving a little bit more.
Good options would be:
What can also help is a hobby by going to a club