Wie nah an der Realität ist Dexter? (Nur Staffel 1)?
lch frage mich wie real die Serie ist, weil irgendwann müssten seine Kollegen es doch merken beziehungsweise herausfinden.
(Viellicht wird es in den nächsten Staffeln deutlicher?)
lch frage mich wie real die Serie ist, weil irgendwann müssten seine Kollegen es doch merken beziehungsweise herausfinden.
(Viellicht wird es in den nächsten Staffeln deutlicher?)
Findet ihr Cha eun woo attraktiv?
Habe früher die Serie auch geschaut muss jeder eigentlcih kennen.
An alle Star Wars Fans denkt ihr Qimir ist der Schüler von Darth Plagueis?
Gibt es mehr Kyo Fans hier 🖤
yes they will find out.
Generally, it often happens that such people do not notice longer and at some point they are caught and then you find 24 liking in him cellar. You don’t think that kind of benevolent kills people.
I find the series super, but much I think is very little realistic.
For example, Dexter wraps his bodies in plastic and sinks them to the sea floor. Usually you want to get rid of his bodies and not preserve them. :
After he got caught, he still keeps doing this and that as a blood trace expert. No, no half-way intelligent person would do that.
Just like his blood platelets. He got caught and continues to collect them, still storing them in the same place. Absolutely idiotic.
I guess that’s what I’ve done to evtl. It is better to be able to transfer imitators.