Wie nach 3 Jahren kiffen wieder normal werden?
ich bin 15 und kiffe seit ich 13 bin aber das erste mal hab ich mit 12 gekifft. Mit 13 wurde es halt langsam zu was alltäglichem.
jetzt merke ich, wie ich immer schneller Sachen vergesse, stottere, irgendwie dümmer bin und viel weniger und langsamer Sachen verstehe und mein character irgendwie komisch geworden ist.
Ich kann auch nicht einschlafen solange ich nicht stoned bin aber wenn ich mal 3 Tage nichts rauche hab ich keinen richtigen Drang, nur einen halbstarken Wunsch danach. Ist das schon eine Sucht?
Wenn ich ab jetzt für immer aufhöre zu kiffen, geht das wieder weg oder bleibt das jetzt für immer?
Enter consumption, sleep enough, go to bed regularly, eat balanced, take enough liquid to you and drive sports. This is generally considered healthy and can contribute to well-being.
I can’t say what you’ve done with your consumption and whether any damage is reversible. I also do not know which of the symptoms you mentioned are simply due to puberty. In any case, however, it is recommended not to consume more, as long body incl. Brain has not yet grown. That’s why, alone, not the risk that it will get worse.
In doubt, you can also talk to (d) a doctor about it. Thanks to confidentiality, no problem.
Here are tips: https://www.quit-the-shit.net/qts/knowledge/
Good luck!
try to make this less and less from day to day and look like if you have friends the smoking then distance yourself from those because with that you have definitely let you influence yourself earlier, try to add better people in your life and give your best less to ciff, and if you are close to that you just want to make something better out of you and what you want to achieve for you:)
The reason is not cannabis use – but the development phase in which you are. It’s called puberty.
In the course of puberty a variety of endogenous (bodied) drugs they are also Hormones and messengers called. These are essentially involved in how you feel and how you assess yourself.
You’re not addicted. There are conditions that must be fulfilled to be able to diagnose a “search” medically. You and your cannabis use, you do not meet these conditions.
Learn to deal with cannabis responsibly if you cannot leave your fingers (or want). A responsible approach to cannabis is that you can voluntarily keep consumer breaks of indefinite length. During puberty, this usually does not succeed because one is still too insecure and too influential.
So optimal would be to wait until the end of puberty and then decide again whether you want to start with cannabis or whether it goes without.
You’re a doctor and have asked all the diagnostic criteria exactly in intensive discussions? `Please go into you, if you already write about such criteria, then also rewrite it seriously. You KANNST know it nciht because here are many unknown factors in the game and such remote diagnostics are never good!
Please do not give any diagnoses here, but refer to experts! Drug contact points are the right contacts, psychologists.
As I judge a 15-year-old drug user, please let me, freedom of expression and my more than 50-year experience in dealing with drug problems.
I don’t have to be a doctor to think of a “half-strong desire for cannabis”.
I summarize the discussion:
A layman according to self-description refers here to medical diagnosis criteria, then presents itself a diagnosis and is in no of his answers in the comments objective. Doesn’t make any sense to add something to the discussion in terms of content.
For this, everyone can make themselves an image, I think Communitiy expert status is very limited meaningful when you get pampy here. For questions from teenagers looking for the topic.
You have a wrong picture of the “community expert status” and how it comes to you, you may be pampering.
By the way: How can I – who I am not a doctor – be a Diagnosis ? Aren’t you going a little freelance with the terms you choose?
And why should I put “value” on it to contribute to the discussion only in the approach if, due to the generally applicable and accepted medical diagnosis criteria for addiction, I acknowledge that the consumer behaviour of the questioner does not correspond to a addiction in all the inability of his data on the utility model because it does not meet the criteria set?
My summary: You’re bored.
You mean to have to put on bread that your approach to drug issues is the only right one.
Do you want an initial confirmation?
And another addition: Yes, I find it unavoidable to refer to professional advice here. The questioner started to trick 12! It’s a laity forum, unambiguous. Nevertheless, nab should proceed carefully, precisely because of this, and critically question what can be done to help. And be aware that in the case of superficial consultation, one can pass on basic misinformation in the answer through a one-sided view, lack of knowledge and lack of information. Bugs fit, right here. This can be avoided in which one refers to counselling points. for example, who wants to help, because then trained professionals can help!
And children and adolescents can often barely distinguish, due to lack of life experience, how rich a response is here. Just when they keep taking drugs.
Everyone should decide whether to help as far as possible in a forum or to certify their own skills. Far-reaching help means offering help to self-help. This always involves reference to professional assistance. I don’t see any other way. I’m stressing this because it’s a serious issue, and there are thousands of search engines here.
Please ask what you’re doing here. Everyone should do this, anyway, I do. And I learned a lot about how to help people and continue to learn.
It would have been great if you had used all the energy you used to criticize me and my approach to drug issues to give the questioner concrete help if you already know the only way of the wise.
Don’t you really notice that you’re just talking about me and not about the all-world problem of a teenager you come to yourself with an all-world response that you could come to as a person concerned?
Seems like you like to have the last word. Please, please.
You will be satisfied with my way of responding to drug questions – or read my answers.
Good day!
Is clearly defined, I am one myself. I mean, I mean, you’re not like that. And as a community expert, it doesn’t need any expertise, just helper. Answers.
A carpenter who relies on annoying diagnostic criteria as a community expert in a lay community community who does not want to refer to trained experts, I perceive that from you. You have given the appeal to the expert with reference to the helpful answers.
To refer to trained experts in search topics is of course, I believe you just want to present your knowledge here .
I ask for something, you become provocative, ironic. And I don’t care if I care about you. I know some long-term drug users whose behavior reminds me of what you put on the day here, with verbal reviews etc.
You see yourself and nothing else, so it works.
There are many ways to answer, your answers to my comments show a lot.
All more, everyone who looks at your comments. I’m asking you for something, you’re insane and you’re getting ironic. “Ethikkommision”, I cannot communicate with you at the height of my eyes, in the way of childish behavior. Serious topic, only insane, personal attack. NIcht, but also nothing that so far went into my texts. Objection is, then with content not with irony.
Anyone can read it, what do you want me to write more? You don’t want respectful communication. Can’t or don’t want to. It’s gonna be endless. You’re getting insane, I don’t like it.
What I had to write is here, the questioner and all others have been pointed out to the inconsistencies. You think who reads your comments knows that you’re an expert, that underlines anything? Irony, Abwertungen (goes by) Ethics Committee and Nobel Prize winners, these are your contributions to the discussion.
I do not diagnose – but speculate when I ask if you may suffer from ADS/ADHS…
Is that diagnosis or speculation?
If you consider me to be not referring to real experts without better knowledge, you have not read my 30,000 drug problem contributions that quote a MD Donald Tashkin as well as a Dr. Franjo Grotenhermen, a Heino Stöver as well as a Burkhard Blienert and more.
I’m moving back now because your critique seems to be just for ego satisfaction.
Must Teens and Kids give drug use or drug use breaks advice, which is more important than to deal with someone who does not even manage to play a special role in both drug counselling.
You’re exaggerating. In no way can I see an answer from you.
My request to refer to professionals with possible drug addiction, perhaps more likely is not covered in the approach.
Too bad who reads your comments as he knows how to protect your expert status. You lose the nerves when there is a little criticism. That says a lot.
You’re not a doctor, but you’re referring to their diagnosis crime as a carpenter and you’re diagnosed. Well.
Contact the Federal Government’s Ethics Commission with your concerns.
My word choice is mine It is also a matter of assessing whether the issue is a simple drug abuse all-world issue or a highly specialized question that can and can only be answered by scientific and medical Nobel laureates or similar corpuses.
… can lead to far-reaching problems in children and adolescents if they are not professionally addressed. Simpel is a multiannual drug abuse with 13 to 15, not at all.
And please respect the choice of words, the topic is serious, my assessment, especially as drug abuse is present and a problematic family situation.
No power struggles please, factually discuss it.
I ask you to always refer to professionals. In drug issues, any knowledge of where there is help.
Please put yourself in the teenager. She knows the rules of the game, like many others, not to seek counselling places, etc., occur in the life of the fewest families. They’re always for the others. “The others are those with drug problems…”
Please consider the content of my statements, regardless of the type of writing. It’s about helping. If you have a bit of cautious expression, and not as a clear diagnosis, you will be able to help especially minors, especially with the indication that you are best talking to professionals with such drug problems, drug advisers, psychologists. Doctors are not trained for advice and often have little time!
Important is not who I am or what I write, but whether it sounds plausible halfway. As far as the subject matter is concerned, there is agreement between us, so we recommend this request in the future! This is what I do after every contribution to bringing the themes from the Laienforum into reality, where people sit with time and appropriate training.
Please respect your words. What may not be appropriate to the subject here, please think about it. Power games are inappropriate here.
If you want/use professional diagnostics, please contact the relevant specialist bodies. Anyone who asks questions in a Laien forum has to be content to receive answers that do not correspond to your personal claim of “drug advice”.
I believe that almost 2,300 awards, as the most helpful response, are more of competence than of unprofessionality in drug issues.
To be honest, I’m passing the most important thing that you want to know about in simple substance use questions.
And as I react, I’m left. This is a public forum. If You there Medical Criteria References and then immediately a diagnosis, it seems unselfish to me, and I point out.
You can exercise your rights here, and I mean. Comments are there to point out such inconsistencies.
No one can understand your experience here. You can have yourself registered here as an expert with evidence, then you know what profession you are performing. Otherwise, it remains an unproven assertion. You don’t see that? Professionalism also includes empathy, and knowledge about the effect of your own doing on others, depending on the space in which you work!
And remote diagnostics in forums remain so or so questionable! Because you don’t question anything. What it now represents could be quite different in a detailed discussion with well-defined questions. Professional diagnosis does not result from 3 sentences in a forum.
Irreverable damage remains forever…
You should still stop so it doesn’t get worse.
Cannabis consumption is extremely dangerous and can end very harmful…
Already a joint can be enough to cause irreversible brain damage to children and adolescents…
First warning bells should already be heard for the common sense.
Irreversible means irreversible!
Psychoses and anxiety disorders can occur significantly later, but also time-saving.
Cannabis consumption is much more harmful and dangerous than smoking cigarettes and tobacco. All current studies indicate.
At “Ciffing” I assume that you mean the usual way in Germany, smoking cannabis, stretched with tobacco.
Even if the substances have a different effect, the damage to smoking, no matter what, how and what is smoked, are mainly caused by the smoke. Smoke is generated by combustion. Thousands of new substances are produced. Many of these are highly toxic, some carcinogenic.
Smoking cigarettes and tobacco is always extremely harmful.
Cannabis is usually also smoked. Ergo, there are also highly toxic substances. The admixture of tobacco causes the damage to potentiate.
In addition, studies have shown that contain significantly more harmful substances in the smoke of cannabis are. The smoke of cannabis contains 20x more ammonia and 5x more hydrocyanic acid. These are substances that damage the flicker skins in the airways. Thus, the self-cleaning power of the respiratory tract is severely negatively impaired. A joint contains about as much tar as 2.5 to 5 cigarettes.
Source: (BZgA) Federal Agency for Health Education
In children and adolescents, a joint can already be sufficient weekly to cause irreversible brain damage. It only changes at the age of about 25 years.
Even though often presented differently, of course there are evidence of the harmfulness of cannabis!
These damages can be determined in a timely manner. Prof Lauterbach will not be tired of citing new studies… while he is working on legalizing cannabis soon.
Thank you, finally someone who doesn’t write such a soft-washed text but comes to the point. Facts, not any Phantic desires as it could be.
Hi, as in the Xanax question, I refer to an anonymous drug consultation. Also welcome to a doctor or psychologist. Talk to professionals!
Some of them may get back when you stop crying. Even with 15 your brain is still in rebuilding and maybe errors can be corrected in this process.
It is not warned to consume cannabis as a teenager, especially in puberty.
As for the desire to ciff and your sleeping rythm problem so there is time.
Bad luck. Cannabis use can leave permanent / permanent damage up to 25 years (e.g. psychosis and an IQ reduction of 10%)
It will disappear after some time.
the longer you no longer juff, the less your body asks for THC
The damage doesn’t disappear at that age.
Who said that?