Wie muss die Überschrift richtig formuliert sein?

Es geht um folgende Formulierung “Ist man selbst schuld wenn man jemanden in der 3. Person und nicht direkt anspricht?”

Das ist doch falsches Deutsch oder? Es geht darum, dass jemand mit jemandem wie in der 3. Person gesprochen hat, statt ihn direkt anzusprechen. Die Person sagte sinngemäß zu jemandem “Ich habe keine Lust mehr mit solchen Leuten rumzuhängen” und meinte damit aber die Person selbst. Wie sollte die Frage korrekt formuliert sein?

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1 year ago

I don’t know what you mean by “self debt” in this context, but the sentence is grammatically correct. There is only one Come before the “if”, because this is an auxiliary (more precisely: conditional NS).

1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

Thank you. I first thought you had to write it like this, “Is you yourself guilty when you talk about someone in the third person and don’t speak directly to him.”

However, it was so that the ONLY WITH the over whom he was in the 3rd. Person has spoken.

1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

☃️🌲Thank you for your star.🌲☃️

1 year ago

No, it’s not the wrong German at all, but it’s completely ambiguous.

Do you want to tell what you mean?

When someone speaks of himself in the third person, he or she is guilty.

But I just see that you obviously have a different transformation what I do not quite understand, because the following is not a question.

That means:

“I don’t want to hang around with people like you” ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Koschutnig

“As someone speaks of himself in the third person, so he or she himself is guilty”

The one who said the sentence has, with the one to whom the sentence was directed, in the 3rd Person talking about him.

So, for example, as if I’d say to you, “I don’t want to hang out with assholes,” I’m with the asshole. That’s what I meant with the phrase ” Talking to someone in the third person about one.”

1 year ago

If you want to say something to this person who doesn’t speak directly to the other person, then so:

“Why are you talking to the person you directly mean in the third person?”

1 year ago
Reply to  Nahimana66

No, it’s about how to describe the other

1 year ago

Then you have to do it like this:

“Have you noticed that friend A Freund B in the 3rd. Person speaks instead of telling him what he wants to tell him?”

1 year ago

I just wanted to know if I wrote the sentence right.

1 year ago

“Do you blame yourself if you speak to someone in the third person and not directly?”

There’s only one comma to be inserted.

1 year ago


the formulation is correct if a comma is set to the left of the word “if”. 🌟