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I eat😭 or watch videos and just cry. Or make me stink but I’m just…and sleep
Gym, exercise, cook something good, go out to nature without phone, just ask what I would have really bock is it might look like a series and eat pizza, it is someone to meet with this person laugh, then meet people.
I’m joking off, I don’t know what to do, or I’m gonna make people go to my bag. It’s so funny, and then I’m gonna throw it over. So for me alone to build me.
I also do more often xD
For example, my psychologist. Oh remo there we have to work on it mimimi blabla.
He nailed all the boards in front of his head and no longer notices the stops. But with her female voice and her style, and then I have to laugh. 😅
yes definitely ^
Somehow you have to build yourself if nobody else is there. 🙂
pretty much I’d rather not think about anything, I like sarcasm and irony
This sometimes helps 😁
hahaha I know exactly what you mean XD, I know that so good XD
Psychic. Do not listen to society but be open and inform yourself about it.
Moin, I don’t have any depression myself. But the people I know who have said to me, meeting with the right people helps, sports or things that make you fun.
I’m not hard, but medium depressive, but I think I can still try to give some tips. 😀
I like to go for a walk, often you don’t even have the krafft, but also just sit on a bench and listen to a little music (which doesn’t pull down an optimal way) sometimes helps me. Besides, you can try to talk to others about it and do something good to you [:.
What’s your fun? Write? Cuddle with the pet? That everything can help you feel better.
Therapy is if it is not good for a longer period (and important! ^^), it can bring clarity and help.
Greetings and good improvement.
I read, cuddly with my cats, eat something good or try something.
My dog and movement helps when I get up. It is inconceivable hard and often I can’t cheer myself in a really severe depression
In small steps.
Let’s just have a relaxed bath, cook something, go to the fresh air.
Mainly do something.
with me it is not a pure depression but I mainly use self-love
I mean hug or stroke some body part like that, and also internally emotionally I tell myself then I love you.
sometimes I talk to my thoughtful imaginary friends Ayame and Yuki who I have created as a juvenile drawing sometime and since then I have kept them
that helps sometimes
sometimes I just try to be thankful zb das ich Bett hab das ist geil
or that I live in a country where you are not directly shot at anything
I can be thankful
sometimes has helped to tell the brain stop the fress I don’t want that so I don’t want to use anything else, means the will
I reconnect with nature or listen to music
If someone is ill with severe depression, then he can’t cheer up, but needs appropriate treatment.
Finally someone who understood depression. I want to express my respect
Well, regardless of a treatment, you can still do things that help you improve the mood. This is even an important part of the treatment.
Joa I agree pretty much, only sometimes there is no treatment.
That’s exactly what I wanted to write.
My sister then helped the right antidepressants that prescribed her a very good psychiatrist.
If the body lacks a substance, you should not reject such a support.
And no, antidepressants do not depend. Many people confuse them with tranquilizers.
Not really
Yeah, it’s difficult and doesn’t go in the right depth.
Right. But whether it always works is questionable. For example, it doesn’t really work until at all.
Talk to friends
Vicodin, seratonin, morphine, dopamine, endorphine.
These are the best!
Not at all. I don’t come out of this hole, unfortunately.
Don’t think so
Well, after four years in such a hole, it’s hard to believe you get out of there
try again and again and it is also absurd to build up a thought foundation that serves as emergency aid, I use it forever love, thank you, everything is good, that I always call myself in the head when it is really bad so that my brain in the bad phase could learn the relation to positive thoughts and thus can almost automatically pull out
Jap. The hardest thing is to get back to something that can pull one out of that phase.
is hard when you can hardly find what you can really say is cool
I always do that. But really do not help me
hmm what has sometimes helped me in such phase is to tell me I want to be happy now and really get really consciously falling into zb the emotions of the music and just dance so in your own feeling, so give the emotions a space where they can also be expressed
I’m more introverted why I always have trouble getting to know people. But basically, I’d rather do things alone.
can it be that these things don’t make you so much fun alone? that I know about myself is so stupid sometimes
Not really. I’m shocking, listen to a lot of music, movies, series, but that’s more distraction than joy in the matter.
So as for suicidal thoughts I checked in my head you don’t want to die, you just don’t want to suffer, and that goes by giving yourself good things, there is something you can enjoy?
whether flowers, trees, socks, porns full no matter
I tried. Two years every day. Several therapies and alone. It’s finished in three suicide attempts and the knowledge I’ll never get out of there alone…
But still thank you. It’s nice to know that it can go so uphill
well I tell you this because it would be conceivable for you too, it’s just fucking exhausting and takes extremely long
Let’s go. And I respect these people.
So if you think absolutely hardcoe all of it consciously rebuilds so that the old has no longer existed, you can save yourself out, but that is fucking hard and needs some of willingness, I can only contend with my will, which was just stronger I don’t know why that’s different with me, but my will just never wanted to accept that it must be so.
And then, above all, I started thinking everything I’ve got to put on the test stand, do I want to think that way myself? no okay what do I want to think? okay by talking in and on habit, is only the logical part of the emotional is heavier
Listen to music, shock what to watch.
Aha babe? Are you okay?
Yes :
I crawl to the eggs and drink a bier
Not at all. I’m trying to die and pull it through. So I hope. All cheese, all fake, all bullshit. You can’t take life seriously.